LEGO Games Wiki
This is about the level. For the character, see Young Indy.
Level Progression
Young Indy Ancient City
Young Indy
Young Indy level
Number B-1
Game LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures
Universe Indiana Jones
Episode LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures
Playable Characters Young Indy*
Boy Scout*
Unlockable Characters Fedora*

Young Indy is the first bonus level from LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures.


The level centers itself around the opening section of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. We follow Indiana Jones as a boy scout and his friend Herman through caves within a Utah canyon and onto the circus train.


You start in a mine. Use a zip line to go to the other side and defeat all the enemies. Switch to Indy to go through a gap and grab a shovel, then dig out an item to destroy the ground and reveal a key. Put the key in the mechanism and turn to open a door, then be careful not to fall to get to the next area.

In the next area, break a cart to reveal a crate and take it to a green pad. Then dig out a box and take it to the green pad to build a rope mechanism. Climb on the rope to reveal a key. Put the key in the mechanism and turn it to release the horses and move on to the next area.

In the next area, be careful not to fall off the train and proceed carefully. At the end of the area, destroy the boxes to build a white and light blue floor, then push the box to proceed to the final area of ​​the level.

In the final area of ​​the level, grab a torch so the snakes don't kill you after the bridge breaks. Indy then will get his whip and use it to scare away a lion. Destroy all the objects to reveal boxes that you will have to take to a giant green pad, then build a box and enter it to finish the level.


Upon completion, you get Young Indy and Boy Scout. Fedora will be available to purchase in Barnett College.


B-1. Young Indy
HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete 9 Artifacts.
Playable Characters Enemies
Young Indy
Boy Scout
Grave Robber 1*
Grave Robber 2
HOW TO COMPLETE: Reach end of level.


External links[]

Website Article
Bonus Levels
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