LEGO Games Wiki
LEGO Batman: The Videogame
Level Progression
Wayne Manor Arkham Asylum
Wayne Manor
Wayne Manor
Number B-H
Game LEGO Batman: The Videogame
Universe DC
Episode LEGO Batman: The Videogame
Playable Characters Choice

Wayne Manor is the hero bonus level from LEGO Batman: The Videogame.

Opening Description[]

In the LEGO Universe, anything is possible.
Bruce Wayne appears to have left one million
studs lying around Wayne Manor. Collect them
all as fast as possible!


You start at the entrance to Wayne Manor. Any objects you destroy here will not give you studs. Instead, destroy some barrels you see on your left to build a Gamer PC. Use a character that can use tech pads to power up the PC, then sit on the chair to go to a 2D area.

In the 2D area, destroy some cubes to receive purple studs. Remember to jump under some blocks to destroy them and receive purple studs, some will require a high-jump character to reach them. Use a character with a weapon to hit a block in the air, then jump on a trampoline and use a character that can glide off a block to reach a purple stud. When you keep going, destroy a silver block with a character with explosives. Quickly run across a bridge that collapses if you stay there for too long, then carefully jump onto some moving platforms. Use Batman or Batgirl in the Sonic Suit to destroy a crystal cube. Keep going while destroys silver objects. Push a blue block and press its button to reveal platforms, then use them as a ladder after getting some purple studs. After destroying a silver item, use a character that is immune to toxins to grab two purple studs. Use Robin or Nightwing with the Magnet Suit to get out of the room, then jump on a trampoline to reach a platform with breakable blocks. Press a button to make the moving platforms work, then break some blocks to receive purple studs. At the end of the area, destroy two crystal cubes and a silver cube to receive purple studs. Then get into a tube to get out of the area and back to the main area.

Returning to the main area, get a purple stud and sit on another chair to enter another area.

In the next area, take some balls to some objects to destroy them. There are 50 objects in this area. Once you finish destroying all of them, pull a lever to return to the main area.

Returning to the main area, pick up a purple stud before dropping onto the roof. Destroy all the stones in the garden to open a door. You can build a tractor to destroy them fast. Destroy all the flowers in the garden to reveal a purple stud. The level will end as soon as you reach one million.


B-H. Wayne Manor
HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete the Hero Super-Kit.
Playable Characters Enemies
Choice None
HOW TO COMPLETE: Collect 1,000,000 studs.



  • After completing this level, a glitch may occur that allows you to play as the villains in the Batcave.

External links[]

Website Article
Bonus Levels
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