LEGO Games Wiki

I didn't really want to make this but I need to. I've seen about 3-4 active people on this wiki and I think it's time to step up our game. We need to start updating this wiki to be more eye friendly and to be more modern as the current layout and design is 2015 esc. We also need some new admins to help out with people that are memeing pages or griefing. And we also need a discord server to:

  1. Talk to our current community establish feedback and get the wiki updated more.
  2. Talk to our active editors on what we need edited
  3. Make events or goals for people to edit certain pages etc
  4. Grow the community

I know of a Subreddit called r/legostarwars which is dedicated to lego star wars. That subreddit has a whopping 61,597 as of now. Imagine how many more editors we could get by posting on there and having a discord server. The possibliltes are endless.

Stay Safe - Brad