LEGO Games Wiki
Level Progression
The Ride
The Ride
The Ride
Number PB
Game LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game
Universe Pirates of the Caribbean
Episode LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game
Playable Characters Jack Sparrow (Waistcoat)*

The Ride is a bonus level from LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game.


The Curse of the Black Pearl[]

As you start the level, you will be attacked by Cursed Pirates. Defeat them and Scratch will spring into action. Defeat him and continue defeating more Cursed Pirates to face Koehler. Defeat him and continue defeating more Cursed Pirates to face the first boss of the level, Captain Barbossa. When you take two hearts from him, you will have to wait a while for him to go down and you can take another two hearts from him. After defeating him, get on the canoe to go to the next area.

At World's End[]

In the next area, you will be attacked by Dutchman Pirates. Defeat them and Maccus will spring into action. Defeat him and continue defeating more Dutchman Pirates to face Hadras. Defeat him and continue defeating more Dutchman Pirates to face the second boss of the level, Davy Jones. Unlike Barbossa, he won't go up when you take two hearts from him. After defeating him, get on the canoe to head to the final area of ​​the level.

On Stranger Tides[]

In the final area of the level, you will be attacked by Zombie Pirates. Defeat them and Quartermaster will spring into action. Defeat him and continue defeating more Zombie Pirates to face Gunner. Defeat him and continue defeating more Zombie Pirates to face the third and final boss of the level, Blackbeard. Like Jones, he won't raise when you take away two hearts. After defeating him, get on the canoe to finish the level.


PB. The Ride
HOW TO UNLOCK: 84 Gold Bricks in Port Area on the Left Side.
Playable Characters Enemies
Jack Sparrow (Waistcoat)
Cursed Pirates
Captain Barbossa* (Boss)
Dutchman Pirate*
Davy Jones* (Boss)
Zombie Pirate*
Blackbeard* (Boss)
HOW TO COMPLETE: Reach end of level.



Bonus Levels
A New Hope (LSWCS) • LEGO City (LSWCS) • Anakin's FlightNew TownPod Race (Original)Gunship Cavalry (Original)Theed PalaceTatooineGeonosisCoruscantMustafarKashyyykMos Eisley (LSWCS) • Death Star (LSWCS) • Bespin (LSWCS) • Hoth (LSWCS) • Endor (LSWCS, Minikit - LSWCS) • Young IndyAncient CityWarehouseWayne ManorArkham AsylumHarry's DestinyThe RideMillion Stud Challenge (LHP2)LEGO Gotham CityMiddle-earthThe Brick Apple?House Party ProtocolTabloid Tidy UpNuff SaidA Shock WithdrawalFeeling FiskyPut up your DukesStunt Show SurpriseReptilian RuckusStranger DangerThe Thrill of the ChessBro-tunheimSame Bat-time! Same Bat-channel!Tyrannosaurus Rex PursuitGallimimus EscapeTyrannosaurus Rex EscapeVelociraptor EscapeIndominus Rex PursuitIndominus Rex EscapeLEGO Isla NublarDejarik BattlePoe To The RescueLor San Tekka's ReturnRathtar HuntingThe Crimson CorsairTrouble Over TaulOttegan AssaultStarkiller DestructionDestroy Ninjago CityPanic! At the PicnicSimulation SituationDude, Where's My Dragon?Defying ConventionsToe-to-TotemSpook-Tacular Parade SagaHank-ger ManagementOscorp EscapadeDance Off, BroPoole PartyOmnidroid RampageGranny Knows BestMan to MantisThese Boots are Made for StompaArma-Ghetto SuperstarYou Kanto-uch This