LEGO Games Wiki
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens

The Force Awakens
Symbol VII
Based on Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Game LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Universe Star Wars
Starting Level Assault on Jakku
Ending Level Luke's Island
Number of levels 11
How to unlock Complete The Battle Of Endor

The Force Awakens is the only episode in LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens.


To be added


  1. Assault on Jakku
  2. Escape From The Finalizer
  3. Niima Outpost
  4. The Eravana
  5. Maz's Castle
  6. Battle of Takodana
  7. The Resistance
  8. Starkiller Sabotage
  9. Destroy Starkiller Base
  10. The Finale
  11. Luke's Island (Epilogue)


Differences from the film[]

To be added

The Phantom Menace (LSWCS, LSWSS) • Attack of the Clones (LSWCS, LSWSS) • Revenge of the Sith (LSWCS, LSWSS) • A New Hope (LSWCS, LSWSS) • The Empire Strikes Back (LSWCS, LSWSS) • Return of the Jedi (LSWCS, LSWSS) • Raiders of the Lost Ark (2) • Temple of Doom (2) • The Last Crusade (2) • The Riddler's Revenge (Hero/Villain) • Power Crazed Penguin (Hero/Villain) • The Joker's Return (Hero/Villain) • Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (Parts 1, 2, and 3) • The Sorcerer's StoneThe Chamber of SecretsThe Prisoner of AzkabanThe Goblet of FireCount DookuGeneral GrievousAsajj VentressThe Curse of the Black PearlDead Man's ChestAt World's EndOn Stranger TidesOrder of the PhoenixHalf-Blood PrinceDeathly Hallows (Parts 1 and 2) • DC Super HeroesThe Fellowship of the RingThe Two TowersThe Return of the KingCity UndercoverMarvel Super HeroesThe LEGO MovieAn Unexpected JourneyThe Desolation of SmaugBeyond GothamJurassic ParkThe Lost WorldJurassic Park IIIJurassic WorldDimensionsGhostbusters (2016)Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find ThemThe LEGO Batman MovieThe AvengersAge of UltronThe Force Awakens (LSWSS) • The LEGO Ninjago MovieMarvel Super Heroes 2The IncrediblesIncredibles 2DC Super-VillainsThe LEGO Movie 2The Last JediThe Rise of Skywalker