LEGO Games Wiki

Main Page R2-D2
Game LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy
Weapon Electro Buzzer
First Playable Level Secret Plans
Level Unlocked Secret Plans
Row 1
Column 4

R2-D2 is a character that is playable in LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy.


R2-D2 is on board the Tantive IV when Darth Vader enters the ship, he is seen with C-3PO walking trough a hallway till few Stormtroopers start to attack the rebels. After a short playable section, Princess Leia and Captain Antilles arrive in a dark hallway. Leia does a recording infront of R2-D2 asking for help from Ben Kenobi. She also puts the secret Death Star plans inside R2-D2. After this short cut-scene, R2-D2 is playable for the player. At the end of the level C-3PO and R2-D2 escape in pod just before Vader and his troops arrive. The two droids crash in the desert of Tatooine. The two droids go both different directions. C-3PO tells R2 that the nearest village was his way but R2-D2 disagrees, making C-3PO mad. Few hours later R2-D2 was inside a ravine but a group of Jawas take him down and bring R2 to a Sandcrawler. Here he meets up with C-3PO who had a same fate.[1]

Level Appearances[]

Levels in which R2-D2 has appeared as a boss, enemy, or playable.

How to unlock[]

Complete Secret Plans.


LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy Character Abilities
Jedi Sith Blaster Protocol Astromech Hover Shortie Imperial Bounty Hunter Ghost Other
No No No No Yes Yes No No No No No


To be added

Physical Appearance[]

To be added



To be added

R2-D2 | R4-P17 | R2-Q5 | IG-88 | 4-LOM

R2-D2 | R4-P17 | R2-Q5 | Jango Fett | Boba Fett | Darth Plagueis (Cut)