LEGO Games Wiki
Level Progression
Middle-earth Level
Number RB
Game LEGO The Lord of the Rings
Universe The Lord of the Rings
Episode LEGO The Lord of the Rings
Playable Characters Choice
Unlockable Characters Mouth of Sauron*

Middle-earth is a bonus level from LEGO The Lord of the Rings.


Level Prelude[]

After completing the game's Story Mode, head to Rivendell. If you have discovered its statue, you can use fast travel to reach Rivendell without having to walk far. In Rivendell, open the map and mark the Mithril Brick inside a door frame. Follow the path of studs, jump over a river of water to avoid drowning and jump on rocks until you reach a passage behind a waterfall. There, go to the sign with colored studs in the middle of the room and press the action button to play this level.

Level Walkthrough[]

You start in Barad-dûr with Sauron and Mouth of Sauron. The objective of this level is to destroy as much as you can to reach 1,000,000 studs. Some locations will have special features that would be worth mentioning here. In Barad-dûr, hit Mount Doom to reveal bricks that you can use to expand Barad-dûr's tower. After four enlargements, destroy Mount Doom and turn a crank to spin a light bulb and make seven Mordor Orcs dance. You don't get studs for doing this, but it's still fun to do. When you manage to destroy everything in Barad-dûr, turn a crank to open the Black Gate and exit outside Barad-dûr. There, instead of playing as Sauron and Mouth of Sauron, open the character selector and select the Berserker, since he has bombs. With the Berserker's bombs, you can destroy everything in your path very quickly to obtain a large amount of studs. On the right side of the Black Gate, there will be two Morgul objects with a character capable of destroying Morgul objects. Further to the right, you can push more pillars to get studs. You can also ride a black elephant to make a path of blue studs appear. In Minas Tirith, you will see a battering ram with an orange handle. You can pull it with a character with super strength to destroy the city walls and then destroy the entire city, getting more studs. In Rivendell there will be citizens who, if you defeat them, will give you studs. In Isengard, you can use the Berserker's bombs to destroy Orthank tower. In Helm's Deep, you can destroy the entire fortress to get studs. In Amon Hen, you can grab a chain to destroy a bridge and then destroy two treehouses together. Additionally, if you turn a crank in that area, you can use a surefooted character on a rope to reach a ledge with four studs and a rock head to destroy. In that same area, if you follow the path of two gold studs and a blue stud, you will be able to enter the Mines of Moria. There, if you cross a cliff and then pass by four pillars, you can find a crank. Grab it, return to Amon Hen, and place the crank on a mechanism to spin a statue and then destroy it. Go to the place where you got the crank in the Mines of Moria and destroy a wooden door to reach the other side. There, you can use a rope to climb a ledge and reach Lothlórien, where you can destroy more objects to get studs. Further to the right of the second entrance to the Mines of Moria, you will find the Weathertop fortress, which you can also destroy. Going towards the bottom right, you will find the town of Bree, where you can also destroy the buildings to obtain studs. Finally, going south, you will find Hobbiton, which you can also destroy in its entirety for more studs. Be sure to destroy every item you see on the level and grab the loose studs for more. The level will end as soon as you reach one million.


Upon completion, you get Mouth of Sauron and Sauron.


RB. Middle-earth
HOW TO UNLOCK: Complete all episodes.
Playable Characters Enemies
Choice Civilians
HOW TO COMPLETE: Collect 1,000,000 studs.



Bonus Levels
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