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The remote goes by your behaviour.

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Lex Luthor (Giant Suit)
Lex Luthor (Giant Suit) Miiverse
Main Page [[]]
Game {{LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham}}


Lex Luthor (Giant Suit) is a character that appeared in LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham.

Role in Story Mode[]

Marty! Why are you doing this to me? It's over?

You bastard.

Level Appearance[]

Lex Luthor Giant Suit

How to unlock[]

Morty! Why did you do this to me? You bastard.


Super strength. Thunder clap. Fight.


Morty! Why di

Morty! Why di

Morty! Why di

Morty! Why did you do this to me? You bastard.
