LEGO Games Wiki
Lego Loco Boxart
Developer Intelligent Games
Publisher LEGO Media
Focus Multimedia
Universe Loco
Starting Level [[]]
Starting Characters Super Station Master
Release Date November 11th, 1998
Rating 4/5
Systems PC
Categories Characters

LEGO Loco is an educational railroad building game released by LEGO Media after the success of LEGO Island a year prior. It's a sandbox game revolved around trains and building railroads. The game could even connect to the internet to send postcards to anyone else with the game. Unlike The Infomaniac, the Station Master doesn't speak English and instead the language Lego-ese with speech bubbles.


Starting a new game will give the player a prebuilt town which they can either immediately erase or alter to their liking. They can also change the background by clicking on an icon of two mountains, changing from the usual green fields to terrain like the moon, a football field or patterned background.

There is no goal to the game, the player can build any town to their liking as long as it has a railroad system. The red Lego toybox contains all the tools the player needs, including background decorations like trees and buildings. The more the player builds, the more minifigures come out to live in the town, the buildings, rails, roads and flora can be rotated by right clicking while left clicking places them down on the environment.

The player can also toggle whether or not a piece they placed down will be automatically deleted when placing a new building or road on top of it by clicking on the bulldozer icon in the toybox. The bomb icon will erase everything onscreen for the player to start from scratch and the eraser icon can delete whater they click on. The railroad track icon will place down rails, roads, train stations and the train depot, the house icon places down buildings and the tree icon places down trees and such.

Clicking on the train depot will send a train out, clicking on the train will allow the player to change its speed, reverse its direction and add passenger cars or freight cars. The player can also click on minifigures or wildlife wandering around the screen to zoom in on them and learn about them. Clicking on the post office will send the player to a new screen to create their own postcards and send them out to other players online. The player can add stickers and change the colour of the paper in the Postcard Editor screen. Postcards can be sent to the different characters in game, in which the players will receive cards from them back, or to be sent out via the internet. All cards received can be placed in a scrapbook on the desk or thrown out if the player so chooses.


