LEGO Games Wiki
LEGO Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge
Abbreviation LI2
Developer Silicon Dreams
Publisher LEGO Software
Universe LEGO Island (universe)
Starting Level Whack A Brickster Bot
Starting Characters Pepper Roni
Release Date 2001
Rating E
Systems Microsoft Windows
Game Boy Color
Game Boy Advance
Categories Characters
LEGO Island LEGO Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge Island Xtreme Stunts

LEGO Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge was released by Silicon Dreams Studio and developed by Lego Software after Mindscape laid off all the workers from the first LEGO Island game.

It was released on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation, Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance in 2001. Unlike the first game, this one is a third person platformer where only Pepper Roni is playable, the island has a much different layout than before and the player can visit three other locations in order to find pieces of the Constructopedia.


After saving the island in the first game, the citizens of Lego Island are now rewarding Pepper with bricks to build his new house after delivering them pizzas. As soon as Pepper's house is built, he still has one more delivery to The Brickster. As it was a super spicy pizza's fumes that broke him out last time, Mama and Papa made sure that any pizzas going to the criminal only contain a single chili.

As soon as Pepper delivers the pizza, The Brickster reveals he's been saving the chilis from each pizza to create his patent "Brickster dragon breath" and lets out a massive fiery burp that melts the lock, enabling him to escape on the police helicopter once again. This time he sneaks into the information center to steal a book known as the Constructopedia and rips out its pages to destroy all of the island's buildings. The Brickster then flees to his own island, OGEL and sends his Brickster-Bots to mess with the citizens.

PC Map

The island in this game, the layout is much different than the first LEGO Island and is bigger

Pepper is now tasked with retrieving the missing pages of the book to rebuild the island and throw pizzas at the Brickster-Bots to destroy them. During his adventure he is sent to Castle Island where he rebuilds a bridge that kept the Lions and the Bulls from the classic Castle theme from battling each other. Pepper then discovers that Cedric the Bull has a Constructopedia page with him, but won't hand it over until he retrieves the Bull's flag from the Lion's castle. As such Pepper must joust the Lion's Dark Knight to claim the flag back, and then bombard Cedric after he refuses to give up the page.

After dealing with Cedric and recovering more pages from the Constructopiedia, he's then tasked with going to Adventure Island and retrieving pages from there.

Pepper meets up with the Adventurer's, Johnny Thunder and Pippin Reed who are off to a Sphinx. The pizza delivery boy is tasked with shooting at snakes as the Adventurers drive, the three meet up with Dr. Charles Kilroy who offers them a ride to the oasis where another page is hidden in a tomb. A second page is found after Pepper catches a giant fish named Big Bertha, the third is kept at Sam Sinister's (Or Mr. Hates as the game calls him) camp full of captured dinosaurs.

Pepper must fly a biplane from the oasis to the jungles and then ride on a T-rex in order to save the dinosaurs and reclaim the page from Sam. Once all three Constructopedia pages were reclaimed, Pepper flies back to Lego Island only to see The Brickster kidnapping Mama and Papa, declaring they will now make pizzas just for him on Ogel Island and flies off. Now the Brickster-Bots won't be affected by pizzas, Pepper will have to build a boombox to defeat them this time and reclaim the final few pages. As Ogel Island is in space, Pepper has to go through training before he can fly the shuttle up and save Mama and Papa from The Brickster.

As he arrives, he helps his kidnapped parents make loads of pizzas to put the Ogel Islanders to sleep before going to confront the Brickster himself. Pepper must make his way up a massive tower and then toss pizzas into The Brickster's mouth until he can't handle the spice anymore. With The Brickster back in his old cell, Pepper, Mama and Papa all return to the island with the criminal in tow, everyone celebrating with a massive dance party.


Like the first game, there are a number of minigames the player can play with three rankings depending on your score; Bronze, Silver and Gold. However the player only needs to obtain bronze in order to progress the game.

Whack A Brickster-Bot[]

Infomaniac: Hit the naughty bots, but don't hit me by accident!

Brick Dive[]

Infomaniac: Dive down to collect the bridge bricks whilst avoiding any obstacles you see. There should also be a page down there somewhere, you can't leave until you've found that!


Infomaniac: Aim sharper than the Dark Knight to win the joust!

Raging Bull[]

Infomaniac: Get across the bridge, then take control of the cannons to knock Cedric's cannons out!

Snake Pursuit[]

Infomaniac: Protect the Adventurers' gems by fending off snakes as you travel across the desert.

Whack A Snake[]

Infomaniac: Whack the snakes to keep them down, but swipe the gems off for the Adventurers!

Matching Mummies[]

Infomaniac: Match the symbols in the coffins, get the Constructopedia page and escape the rolling rock.

Desert Speedster[]

Infomaniac: Race to the oasis, avoiding any obstacle along the way.


Infomaniac: Use your bait to catch Big Bertha.


Infomaniac: Try to shoot the targets as many times as possible, but don't forget to collect bananas and fuel.

T-Rex Racing[]

Infomaniac: Guide the T-Rex as he carries you to the main camp.

Mr Hates' Camp[]

Infomaniac: Rescue the dinosaurs by winching them to safety.


Infomaniac: Reach maximum speed to prepare for space flight.

Parachute Training[]

Infomaniac: Land safely on the target to prepare for emergency measures during space flight.

Asteroid Belt[]

Infomaniac: Guide the shuttle through an asteroid field as you travel towards Ogel

Parachute Onto Ogel[]

Infomaniac: Land safely on Ogel, get through the rings and avoid any obstacles on the way down.

Make A-D Pizza[]

Infomaniac: Make enough pizzas to send the Ogel citizens to sleep

Brickster's Palace[]

Infomaniac: Get to the top of the palace and use super hot pizzas to defeat The Brickster.

Board Park[]

Infomaniac: Skate your best 2 minute run!


Version differences[]


  1. Pepper must only deliver nine pizzas instead of eleven at the start of the game.
  2. The island is smaller and has a different layout.
  3. Pepper has to guide the helicopter to a landing pad when arriving at Adventure Island in the PC version, in the Playstation version he has already landed.
  4. After completing the Matching Mummies minigame, Pepper immediately hops into the dragster in the Playstation version. In the PC version the player can explore around the tomb before going into the car.
  5. The fishing minigame was removed, although Pepper still mentions catching a big fish.
  6. The Bi-plane minigame has a different layout and is significantly shorter.
  7. Both parachuting minigames were removed.


  1. Pepper is immediately tasked with delivering The Brickster his pizza, instead of being called for one more job after his delivery rounds
  2. Pepper never collects Constructopedia pages throughout the game, instead he's focused entirely on chasing down The Brickster on each island
  3. Pepper can't throw pizzas until he gets the Pizza Chucka from Nick Brick, and tossing pizzas only stuns enemies instead of defeating them
  4. Pepper sets off for Adventurer's Island first, in every other version, Pepper goes to Castle Island first.
  5. Pepper will find himself in dungeons which he would need to solve puzzles to escape from, sometimes ending in a boss fight. This effectively replaces the minigames from the other versions
  6. Sam Sinister only makes a single appearance where he tells Pepper to go away, with the villain role instead going to Senor Palomar.
  7. Johnny Thunder's role has also been reduced to simply giving Pepper a character card of himself and later a key to the jungle after Pepper returns his journal to him.
  8. Pepper is immediately teleported to Castle Island by Achu on Adventurer's Island, instead of returning to LEGO Island and taking another boat or helicopter
  9. Castle Island has King Leo telling Pepper that The Brickster has teamed up with Cedric The Bull in the Dark Forest near his kingdom, but first tasks him with saving Princess Storm from a hedge maze.
  10. Pepper gets an upgrade to his Pizza Chucka in the Dark Forest before a boss fight with Cedric. Pepper must dodge his charge attacks until Cedric surrenders. The level ends with Pepper being transported back to LEGO Island, his pizzas now able to destroy Brickster-Bots
  11. Mama and Papa don't get captured by The Brickster, with Ogel Island consisting of a single maze with a boss fight against The Brickster at the end. The first phase has Pepper tossing pizzas at The Brickster in one of four open hallways, timing the tosses just right so the moving bricks don't stop the pizzas, the second phase is in a small area with The Brickster in the center blocked off by brick walls. Brickster Bots will chase Pepper around and one wall will vanish, giving Pepper an opening to toss a pizza at The Brickster.


  1. The game starts with the Brickster already escaped, skipping the entire beginning pizza delivery mission. His jail cell is also missing in this port
  2. The island is much bigger and has a map screen.
  3. There are more Constructopedia pages and Pepper must now head to the buildings in order to repair them, in the PC and Playstation versions the buildings are automatically rebuilt.
  4. There are a large number of optional minigames and sidequests the player can partake in around the island, such as delivering a letter to the Infomaniac or collecting apples.
  5. There are more NPCs to talk to and there are now trading cards of all the characters.
  6. The Brickster returns more often to taunt Pepper as he travels around.
  7. Only the Whack A Brickster-Bot, Brick Dive, Jousted, Board Park, T-Rex Racing, Asteroid Belt (Albeit now in a 2D perspective) and Parachute Onto Ogel minigames return.
  8. Castle Island is smaller and only consists of a pie throwing minigame, Brick Dive and Jousted with Pepper being teleported back to Lego Island immediately after thanks to a wizard.
  9. Adventurer's Island consists of a single map screen with only the T-Rex Riding minigame, a picture matching game and a bongo rhythm game at the end. Pippin Reed, Dr Kilroy and Sam Sinister are also absent, the third being replaced with Achu from the Adventurer's line.
  10. Pizza delivery now happens midgame as Papa and Mama request him to deliver to certain locations.
  11. Pepper now must get a driver's license to drive vehicles rather than being able to drive from the start.


  • By typing "sdreams", the player can access a hidden cave filled with the game's developers who all introduce themselves when Pepper talks to them. The cave is found on the side of LEGO Island behind the space shuttle.
  • After completing the Matching Mummies minigame, there's a hidden pyramid that's blocked off. It was meant to be another part of the Adventurer's Island map but was cut due to time constraints.
  • In the Game Boy Colour port, Bologna Roni, Pepper's biological father is on Adventurer's Island and Pepper can talk to him.
  • There are a large number of character dialogue that went unused, one of which being a Star Wars parody where The Brickster declares himself to be Pepper's father, only to reveal he's only joking.
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