LEGO Games Wiki
This is the 1999 PC game. For the 3DS game, see LEGO Friends.
LEGO Friends
Friends Cover
Abbreviation LF99
Developer Ivanoff Interactive
Publisher LEGO Media
Universe Scala
Starting Level [[]]
Release Date October 1999
Rating 7+
Systems Microsoft Windows
Categories Characters
LEGO Racers LEGO Friends (1999) LEGO Rock Raiders

LEGO Friends is a video game released in October 1999 for Microsoft Windows.

The game features the player as the manager to a new all girls band called Tuff Stuff, composing music and playing minigames with the characters.

First the player must type in their name, come up with a password for their save file and then type in a friend's name before starting the game proper in the fictional town of Sunnyvale.


A new band consisting of Jules the drummer, Mimi the guitarist, Anita the keyboardist, Emma the lead singer and an unnamed friend as the bass player has formed and the player will be their manager. They are tasked with helping the band come up with new songs and dance routines by checking out one of the many locations the player can click on on the map screen.

Tina's Café[]

There aren't any story forwarding activities here, but the player can enter the café to listen to gossip from the high school students or take pictures for the player's scrapbook. One of the scenarios is Emma being unable to make it to rehearsal unless she performs a dance her mom taught her to all her mom's friends, so Emma's friends decide to change up the dance during Tuff Stuff's gig.

The second scenario is Emma's birthday at the café with her friends all treating her to different gifts, ending with her wiping out from some rollerblades she got as a gift.


The player can use the scrapbook to post any photos they took or write in the pages, they can also use it to alter how their friend looks. The player then learns that the unnamed friend lost a charm bracelet, it was revealed that it was all a big mess with everyone losing something at someone else's place. The friends then decide to go to the auditorium rather than argue about who lost what next.

The friends meet back up again to open a chest with it containing a wizard's outfit and a crystal ball which the player can write about in their scrapbook. Later on the girls have a sleepover and gossip about boys and their parents which the player can once again record in a scrapbook, later on the girls' moms all have a slumber party of their own, embarrassing the girls.


The auditorium has unfortunately been vandalized before the band can rehearse, with the suspect being a girl upset that she couldn't be Tuff Stuff's backup singer. The player now gets to design the stage and change up the lights during the gig, the show is in the form of a slideshow the player can save to their save file or load a preexisting one if they so choose, the player can also change what song plays during the show. Once everything is ready, hit the play button to watch the show.

Once the rehearsal minigame ends, the auditorium has been fixed and the rejected girl confessed to what she had done. So Anita suggests she become the singer in a rival boy's band instead, solving the issue. The player can return anytime to edit the stage any way they wish.

Anita's Basement[]

The girls put on a practice interview first, and then the player can create their own song in another activity screen. The different coloured bars change the harmony of the song pieces, and then drag one of ten pieces into the song with each of the girls' instruments. Once all the pieces are in place to the player's liking, they can then enter the dance studio to provide Emma with a dance to the song. The icons on the left of the dancing screen are dance steps that the player drags onto the film to create into a full dance, Emma will dance once the play button is hit and the player can toggle whether the music plays or not.

Unfortunately later on, Emma loses her self esteem when a bully tells her she was dancing like a chicken, the friends start rehearsing until someone tells them to be quiet. The player can edit their dance and music again if they so wish, otherwise they can just click the rehearse button. Later on the girls hear about a talent agent in town, but the agent is only interested in the boys' act. After one more rehearsal, the girls talk to the talent agent and he says they have potential.

The girls then discover the boys' band was them prerecording karaoke songs and posing as a band by a photo. In the end, the girls all perform in the auditorium to the song and dance the player picked.

Other activities[]


The player can use the camera button to take photos of any of the game's cutscenes or areas, then they can post the photos into the diary portion of the scrapbook for later, as well as type in their thoughts on the photos. The player can access the scrapbook at their Bedroom and also watch any cutscenes of the girls before and after posting in the photos. The player's password comes into play as its used as a way to access the photos they saved, typing in a different password will make a new player unable to access the photos.

Mobile Phone[]

Clicking the phone button will allow the player to hear voice messages from the other characters about one topic or another, after the player completes their song and dance routine, a call will tell them that the show is about to start and clicking Go will take the player to see their show at the auditorium.


Clicking on the internet button will connect the player to the internet, then the player must type in their Web Number to be taken to the Lego Friends website, it's unknown if the button has any function nowadays or if the site can be accessed by any other means.



  • This game was going to be the first in a series of software games for girls with a sequel already being planned to be released the following year, but was cancelled.
  • More games were planned for the original PlayStation and Game Boy Color, one of which being a horse caring simulator.
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