LEGO Games Wiki
LEGO City Undercover
LEGO City Undercover
Abbreviation LCU
Developer TT Fusion
Publisher Nintendo, Warner Bros. Interactive
Universe LEGO City
Starting Level Some Assaults
Starting Characters Chase McCain (Civilian)*
Episodes Story
Hub Police Station
Release Date March 18, 2013
Rating E10+
Systems Wii U
PlayStation 4
Xbox One
Nintendo Switch
Microsoft Windows
Categories Characters
LEGO The Lord of the Rings LEGO City Undercover LEGO Legends of Chima Online

LEGO City Undercover is an action-adventure videogame developed by TT Fusion, initially released in March 2013. The game was published by Nintendo (2013) and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment (2017).



For a while, TT Games wanted to make a LEGO City themed video game. Development on a game based on the LEGO City theme began in 2010, as just a prototype. Nintendo offered to help make the game in 2011 for their upcoming Wii U console. The Wii U console had a GamePad, a secondary screen that you could hold in your hands, so this gave them opportunities for gameplay mechanics. At E3 2011, LEGO City Stories was revealed to be in development. The game appeared once again at E3 2012, where it was announced to be renamed LEGO City Undercover along with a trailer featuring gameplay; a prequel coming to the 3DS was also announced. The game released on March 18th, 2013, for Wii U.


On April 4th, 2017, LEGO City Undercover was released onto PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, and Nintendo Switch adding local co-op along with some minor tweaks, additional characters and new vehicles.


  1. New Faces and Old Enemies
  2. Blast from the Past
  3. Go Directly to Jail
  4. When the Going Gets Tough...
  5. Undercover
  6. All in the Family
  7. One Small Job for Chan
  8. The Rescue
  9. Bringing Home the Bacon
  10. Back on the Case
  11. The Proof of the Pudding is in the Meeting
  12. The Con In Construction
  13. Secrets
  14. Savings and Loans
  15. Far above the Call of Duty


  1. Some Assaults
  2. Trouble in Stir
  3. Miner Altercation
  4. Kung Fool
  5. Dirty Work
  6. Astronaughty
  7. Scrapyard Scrap
  8. The Colossal Fossil Hustle
  9. Hot Property
  10. Smash 'n' Grab
  11. They All Scream for Ice Cream
  12. High Steal
  13. Disruptive Behavior
  14. Breaking and Reentering
  15. Fly Me to the Moon


After the events of The Chase Begins, Chase McCain was sent away for two years after revealing Natalia Kowalski was the one who testified against Rex Fury. The game begins on his way back to LEGO City. He learns from Mayor Gleeson that Rex has broken out of prison and is then tasked with bringing the criminal to justice again.

Upon arriving at the Cherry Tree Hills police station, he meets Frank Honey and Ellie Phillips, he also learns that Marion Dunby has been made police chief. While Dunby isn't pleased to see Chase again, he only puts up with the former officer because now Dunby can boss him around. He is sure Rex left the city months ago, but Chase insists he's still around and warns Natalia about him. After arresting a group of clown criminals and clearing a roadblock, Natalia zooms by on a car to flee the city. Chase attempts to woo her and convince her he can make things right, but she scoffs, as Chase ended up giving her a lot of grief, leaving with his car.

After obtaining a new car, receiving a grapple gun from Ellie's uncle, sheriff Duke Huckleberry, and returning to the city, Ellie informs him of a group of criminals all atop a tall building, allowing him to try out his new grapple gun. While arresting the final criminal, he learns that the criminals were working for Rex Fury and tells McCain to seek out Blue Whittaker in the prison to find out how Rex escaped. Dunby refuses to let him visit Albatross Prison, but Frank and Captain Bluffbeard take him anyways.

At first Chase assumes Blue helped Rex escape, only to hear that Rex was Blue's best customer for his smuggled goods and hasn't paid him, so he agrees to help Chase infiltrate Rex's cell. Inside the prison, Chase obtains the Robber disguise, allowing him to bypass Warden Stonewall and access Rex's cell. He finds a pickaxe from the Bluebell Mines inside and slides out the exit tunnel Rex dug for himself.

Chase learns from Ellie that some of Rex's thugs stole equipment from the mines a few months back and, despite Dunby's warning to stay away from the mines, infiltrates inside to speak with a witness. Inside he obtains the Miner disguise and makes his way down to find some answers and to find a man named Clarence 'Stinky' Fletcher. Unfortunately Rex's gang had gotten to him first and captured him, as shown by a final recording Clarence created deep within the mine.

Exiting the caves, Chase incidentally runs into Rex. Chase attempts to arrest him again, only for Rex to easily break out of his handcuffs and knock him out with a single punch. When he finally awakens, Natalia and Duke help Chase up, the latter revealing that Natalia's father, Henrik Kowalski has gone missing.

Because of what happened two years ago, Natalia vows to find her father herself. Chase tries to argue back, but he knows he's not strong enough to face Rex again. Duke offers to help by giving him a business card for Barry Smith's dojo to improve his fighting.

Once he's finished training, Chase is called by Frank for assistance, the less experienced officer being captured and stuck in a new police truck by the cove. Fighting off red-clothed goons and regaining control of the truck, he learns from Frank that a criminal enterprise run by Chan Chuang wanted the truck for spare parts.

After losing Chan's men, Frank asks Chase if he can drive the truck to the police station to impress Ellie. Frank, however, loses control of the truck and crashes it into a party at the station where Gleeson is in attendance.

Frank then lets it slip to her that Dunby has taken Chase off the Rex Fury investigation. Attempting to cover his tracks, Dunby allows Chase to go undercover in Chan's gang (whom Chase suspects is working for Rex).

Ellie adds an audio scanning ability to Chase's police communicator and he overhears a phone call from one of Chan's men asking where a man named Bucky Butler is because he's late for his interview with Chan's father, Old Quiang. Chase finds out Bucky made a wrong turn and is at the art gallery in Uptown, so he arrests the criminal before replacing him.

Posing as Bucky, Chase meets Quiang, getting hired as a limo driver to drive eccentric multi-billionaire, Forrest Blackwell to a theater. This impresses Quiang enough for Chase to meet Chan in an alley at Pagoda. He's given the order to steal a car from his rival, later calling Frank to get Ellie to open up a tab for any expenses that may pop up during his investigation. He successfully delivers the car to Chan and is then told to investigate the limo shop during a break in, with Chan demanding Chase not look through his records.

While spying on the stranger, Chase sees empty money bags from Vinnie Pappalardo's ice cream shop. It's later revealed to be a disguised Natalia, doing her own investigation into Chan, as Henrik was last seen getting into a limousine. Still rejecting Chase's offers to help, Natalia leaves Chase alone, depressed at not being able to help.

After letting it slip that Chase had observed the empty money bags from Pappalardo's, Chan reveals that Vinnie's right-hand man, Moe De Luca is being sentenced to imprisonment and that Vinnie would be happy with anyone who could help keep Moe out of prison.

Borrowing a prison transport truck from the police station, Chase picks up Moe from the courthouse and drives him to a hideout after evading the police. Thankful for the help, Moe mentions that a shipment of color guns have come into LEGO City and that Vinnie wants to get his hands on the shipment, so he sends Chase on a mission to steal the truck and deliver it to Vinnie.

Chase enters the Pappalardo's ice cream parlor, meeting with the mob boss who was grateful for the color guns stolen. Nicknaming him 'Chasey', Vinnie sends him to the Lego City bank to steal the Bell Pepper Emerald as a test for said color guns.

Dunby meanwhile starts to get impatient, complaining about how much Chase's undercover work is costing the station, although he admits that Chase was able to get in with Vinnie's gang, something none of the other officers were able to do for years. Dunby sends Chase to get photographic evidence of Chan's key gang members in the process of committing crimes.

After doing so, these gang members are arrested, leaving Chan with only one person left that he trusts to help him: Chase McCain. He sends Chase to Apollo Island to steal a moon buggy (gaining an astronaut outfit along the way that can shoot a ray gun).

After stealing it, Chase is called on again by Dunby to help save Forrest Blackwell from abductors. Scaling the rooftops, McCain saves Blackwell from the abductors and drives Blackwell to the police station. However Blackwell leaves Chase with an eerie message that they would be seeing each other again.

He then receives a call from Natalia who is then captured in Chan's salvage yard. Infiltrating the salvage yard with two officers, Clutch and Studsky, he saves Natalia but Chan escapes during all the chaos. Furious, Dunby orders Chase to be transferred to Bluebell National Park's division to get out of his way, alongside Frank whom he deported for failing to fix Dunby's sink.

The first task there is to rescue Jethro Hayes's escaped pigs, which Chase requires a stinky farmer's disguise to do. After doing so and learning to use the Pig Canons, he receives a call from Vinnie with a job to steal a robotic Tyrannosaurus Rex skeleton. Guessing that Rex Fury wants the T. Rex skeleton, he agrees. During the process Dunby reluctantly lets Chase back on the case. After delivering the dinosaur skeleton and a fireboat (obtaining the Firefighter disguise in the meantime), Vinnie considers Chase his new right hand man and goes to meet his "private buyer".

Chase then receives a call from Natalia accusing him of having police officers watch over her. As Chase did not set that up, they both realize the black suited strangers aren't other undercover cops, so Chase rushes to the hospital to save her. Calling in a helicopter, Chase flies Natalia to Ellie's apartment, as all the safe houses are occupied by Chan's men, now selling each other out. Before they depart, Natalia apologizes to Chase for being a pain to him and that she knew that he didn't mean to reveal her identity, Chase accepts her apology.

Arriving back at Pappalardo's Moe informs Chase that Vinnie's gone to see the private buyer at the Herbert Hotel, but wants Chase to keep an eye on his younger cousin in case anything happened. It's revealed the buyer is none other than Rex, he hasn't compensated Vinnie for all the stolen items and Vinnie is tired of it. Furious, Vinnie declares he and Chase will do a job just for themselves, stealing from Forrest Blackwell.

Moe drives the fireboat through a hidden tunnel towards the mansion, along the way he tells Chase that awhile back Blackwell had wanted to build an apartment complex and shopping mall in Bluebell National Park and, after spending millions on building a new bridge, was stopped because a rare squirrel was found in the park. Scandalized, Blackwell had began to wall himself off from society.

Chase infiltrates the mansion and attempts to steal a jade falcon for Vinnie, but is stopped by black suited men, similar to the ones Chase fought earlier when saving Natalia known as The Sentinels. Moe calls Chase to let him know that he hasn't heard from Vinnie in a while and he's worried. It's revealed Rex has betrayed Vinnie, ordering his goons to lock the mafia don in a freezer. Rescuing Vinnie from the freezer, he and Chase force feed the leader goon, Jimmy Grossman into revealing Rex's location.

Chase doesn't find out Rex's hideout, but he does get to replace the goon at a construction site, gaining the final disguise, the Construction Worker. Stealing the crane, Chase finds himself going to an observatory to steal a large telescope. After delivering it to a hidden base, Chase discovers Forrest Blackwell was the one who kidnapped Henrik, forcing him to do as he says or else Natalia would be tortured.

After saving Henrik (gaining a jetpack for the astronaut outfit), he and Chase travel to Blackwell's Mansion where they find a model of a moon colony the billionaire planned. They also discovered that the office tower that Blackwell owns is actually a rocket in disguise. Its impending liftoff will destroy half of LEGO City.

Using special forcefields that Henrik developed, Chase is able to protect LEGO City from burning to the ground from the rocket's fumes. However, it is revealed that Natalia is with Blackwell in the rocket ship so Chase travels to the Moon (with the help of Henrik and Mayor Gleeson who is grateful for McCain's protection of LEGO City during the liftoff).

After exploring space, Chase infiltrates the moon base and reprograms the navigation computer to send the rocket back to Earth. Blackwell then sends Rex to finish Chase off, but that fails and because of that Blackwell fires Rex. Blackwell then leaves them on the rocket and he causes the moonbase to self destruct, only for Chase and Rex to survive the blast. On a piece of the wreckage, Rex and Chase fight until Chase is able to arrest Rex. Although, Rex easily escapes the cuffs, they are interrupted by Blackwell in an escape pod. He shouts to Chase that he'll have his revenge on Chase before getting hit by a flying cow which causes the escape pod to fly off into space.

Chase freefalls down to the wreck, making it in time before Natalia and some of the crew crash land on earth, activating the parachute and landing safely back on earth. Dunby finally admits that Chase has done good, although Blackwell got away, Rex crash landed in a person's house and has a toilet stuck on his head.

Dunby offers Chase to have the honor to arrest Rex. But Chase says that Dunby can have it because there are some things more important than arrests, as he and Natalia are romantically holding hands, indicating that they're back together. Frank thought that Chase was talking about "video games" and everyone laughs. A Sentinel from earlier still attempting to catch up with Chase is caught as the picture irises out and he falls off-screen with a "Sentinel out!"




Special 1[]

Special 2[]







Fire Fighters[]

Construction Workers[]



  • Squaddie*
  • Bastion*
  • Chaser*
  • Patrollo*
  • Dasher (Only in Remastered)
  • Detainer* (Only in Remastered)
  • Hero
  • Imprisoner
  • M.O.V.*
  • Rescuer* (Only in Remastered)
  • Rino
  • Tracker
  • T.R.E.V.*
  • Trooper
  • Douser*
  • Extender*
  • Inferno
  • Fire Tracker*
  • Panacea*
  • Vigilant*
  • Justice*
  • Pursuer (Only in Remastered)


  • Armadillo*
  • Atlas*
  • Brawn*
  • Bristler*
  • Dragger*
  • Dumper*
  • Epona* (Traveller in Remastered Version)
  • Foundation*
  • Hazard*
  • Indulga*
  • Kowalski's Shifter*
  • Payload*
  • Protector*
  • Relocator*
  • Roller*
  • Shifter
  • Slicker*
  • Slogger* (Only in Remastered)
  • Steadfast*
  • Taxi Cab*
  • Trasher
  • Crawler* (Only in High Steal and The Con In Construction)


  • Aceso*
  • Ancestor*
  • Arbalest*
  • Cabrakan*
  • Crater*
  • Grassman*
  • Downforce*
  • Earwig*
  • Flare*
  • Hestia*
  • Jalopy*
  • Pumpkin*
  • Rex's Galican* (Rex's Galician in Remastered Version)
  • Schmoozer*
  • Sevila*
  • Smallisimo*
  • Squeaky*
  • Talos*


  • Broadcaster*
  • Cocoon*
  • Galleon*
  • Garrano*
  • Gotland*
  • Giant* (Only in Remastered)
  • Hanker* (Only in Remastered)
  • Ironback*
  • Chan's Ironback
  • L.E.R.V.*
  • Muncher*
  • Oldster*
  • Rex's Riot*
  • Rugged*
  • Squadmobile*
  • Torsion*
  • Transter*
  • Wanderer*


  • Athena*
  • Bearer*
  • Drakonas*
  • Chan's Drakonas
  • Dullahan*
  • Enberg*
  • Falchion GT*
  • Gersemi*
  • Lantos*
  • Cetan*
  • Lusca*
  • Narym*
  • Roar*
  • Scout*
  • Silversmith*
  • Sphinx*
  • Tigerella*
  • Valkyrie*
  • Wrath*
  • Spirit*
  • Rebellion* (Only in Remastered)


  • Buzzer*
  • Rex's Brute*
  • Grounddog*
  • Hairdryer*
  • Nipper (Only in Remastered)
  • Redeemer*
  • Revolver*
  • Segway* (Scoot in Remastered Version)
  • Sweetie*
  • Vor
  • Wash Wagon*


  • Arowana*
  • Catalufa*
  • Cetacea*
  • Chan's Arowana
  • Devario
  • Drifter*
  • Driftwood*
  • Flotsam*
  • Liberty
  • Minnow*
  • Rubadub*
  • Skimmer*
  • Surger*


  • Camel*
  • Chopper*
  • Cloud*
  • Hera*
  • Jupiter*
  • Guardian (Only in Remastered)
  • Responder
  • Skybringer*
  • Swooper*
  • Rex's Tempest*
  • UFO


  • Courser*
  • Cydonia*
  • Emerald Night*
  • Trackpump*




  • Ring Tone - Honk (New)
  • Ring Tone - Donkey (New)
  • Ring Tone - Belch (New)
  • Ring Tone - Gas (New)
  • Ring Tone - Pig (New)
  • Wonder Whistle (New)
  • Data Scan Upgrade - City Challenges (New)
  • Data Scan Upgrade - Character Challenges (New)
  • Data Scan Upgrade - Red Bricks (New)
  • Data Scan Upgrade - Clues (New)
  • Data Scan Upgrade - Tokens (New)
  • Studs x2
  • Studs x4
  • Studs x6
  • Studs x8
  • Studs x10
  • Attract Studs
  • Attract Bricks (New)
  • Collect Sat Nav Studs
  • Super Fast Travel (New)
  • Super Throw (New)
  • Super Ray Gun (New)
  • Mario Hat (New; Only on Wii U)
  • Police Siren Hat (New)
  • Nitrous For All (New)
  • Instant Vehicles (New)
  • Super Ram (New)
  • Extra Hearts
  • Invincibility
  • Fast Build
  • Super Break and Enter (New)
  • Super Axe Smash (New)
  • Super Astro Crate (New)
  • Super Drill Ride (New)
  • Super Safe Crack (New)
  • Unlimited Dynamite (New)
  • Super Color Gun (New)
  • Fall Rescue
  • Longer Vehicle Boost (New)
  • Costumes (New)
  • Super Minifigure (New)

Version Differences[]


  • For obvious reasons, all of the Nintendo references were removed from the PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One ports of the game, the Switch version keeps them all however.
  • The Mario Hat extra has been replaced by a new vehicle, Guardian.
  • Chase's outfit has been changed to be entirely dark blue, although his original outfit can be used for the second player.
  • The player can no longer rewatch the game's cutscenes from the projector room in the Police Station's third floor. The only way to do so ingame is to replay the game's missions or start a new game.
  • The taxis checkered patterned stripes were replaced with plain black stripes.
  • All the character tokens and vehicle tokens were changed from circles to hexagons except for two for some odd reason. However, the free run tokens are still shaped like a circle.
  • There is a Secret City seeable from Auburn Bay Bridge. It's probably a new location that was scrapped.
  • The PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC versions have 48 achievements to unlock (49 trophies in the PlayStation 4 version). You can see them here.


Cheat codes[]

  • Gorilla Suit Guy: xkgzvj
  • Natalia Kowalski: hvgtpg
  • Race Car Driver: mhhrhm
  • Unlocks High Speed Chase Missions/Vehicles: N7NN4F9
  • Werewolf unlock: Gystqp

Trivia/Unused Content[]

  • The opening cutscene has Captain Bluffbeard asking a woman what brings her to LEGO City, only for her to respond "uh, this boat?" This is a reference to Mama Brickolini's opening movie in LEGO Island which has the same joke.
  • There were planned side missions for the game, such as towing vehicles, driving a taxi to escort people from place to place for extra Studs and driving a firetruck around, however they were all scrapped.
  • The characters exclusive to LEGO City Undercover: The Chase Begins have full models and can be modded into the game. These include Rex wearing his black mask and Chase without his pants which also weren't playable in The Chase Begins.
  • Small loops of unused songs for the game can be heard on radios throughout the city. One song is known in the game's files as Rock Vox, which has lyrics.
  • The game's files have icons for paramedics and mechanics as well as races with other characters.
  • This was the first LEGO video game to be released on the Wii U.
  • This is one of three LEGO games from TT on console/PC to not have a character from a movie that Roger Ebert reviewed, the others being LEGO Worlds and The LEGO Ninjago Movie Videogame.
  • The remastered version of the game marked the first time that a LEGO video game was released on the Nintendo Switch.
  • This and LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga are the only LEGO video games from TT to not get a PC port initially, only to get one later on.
LEGO Fun to BuildLEGO IslandLEGO ChessLEGO CreatorLEGO LocoLEGO RacersLEGO Friends (1999)LEGO Rock RaidersLegolandLEGO Alpha TeamLEGO Creator: Knights' KingdomLEGO My Style: KindergartenLEGO My Style: PreschoolLEGO Stunt RallyLEGO Island 2: The Brickster's RevengeLEGO Racers 2LEGO Creator: Harry PotterDrome RacersIsland Xtreme StuntsSoccer ManiaCreator: Harry Potter and the Chamber of SecretsBionicleLEGO Star Wars: The Video GameLEGO Star Wars II: The Original TrilogyBionicle HeroesLEGO Star Wars: The Complete SagaLEGO Indiana Jones: The Original AdventuresLEGO Batman: The VideogameLEGO Rock BandLEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure ContinuesLEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4LEGO UniverseLEGO Star Wars III: The Clone WarsLEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video GameLEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7LEGO Batman 2: DC Super HeroesLEGO The Lord of the RingsLEGO City UndercoverLEGO Legends of Chima OnlineLEGO Marvel Super HeroesThe LEGO Movie VideogameLEGO The HobbitLEGO Batman 3: Beyond GothamLEGO Jurassic WorldLEGO Minifigures OnlineLEGO DimensionsLEGO Marvel's Avengers • LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens • LEGO WorldsThe LEGO Ninjago Movie VideogameLEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 • LEGO The Incredibles • LEGO DC Super-Villains • The LEGO Movie 2 Videogame • LEGO BrawlsLEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga • LEGO Bricktales • LEGO 2K Drive • LEGO Horizon Adventures
Handheld Games
2000s LEGO Racers (2000, GBC) • LEGO Alpha Team (2000, GBC) • LEGO Stunt Rally (2000, GBC) • LEGO Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge (2001, GBC, GBA) • LEGO Bionicle: Quest for the Toa (2001, GBA) • LEGO Racers 2 (2001, GBA) • Soccer Mania (2002, GBA) • Bionicle: Matoran Adventures (2002, GBA) • Island Xtreme Stunts (2002, GBA) • Drome Racers (2003, GBA) • Bionicle (2003, GBA) • LEGO Knights' Kingdom (2004, GBA) • LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game (2005, GBA) • Bionicle: Maze of Shadows (2005, GBA) • LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (2006, PSP, GBA, DS) • Bionicle Heroes (2006, GBA, DS) • LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (2007, DS) • LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures (2008, PSP, DS) • LEGO Batman: The Videogame (2008, PSP, DS) • LEGO Battles (2009, DS) • LEGO Rock Band (2009, DS) • LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues (2009, PSP, DS)
2010s LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 (2010, PSP, DS) • LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (2011, PSP, DS, 3DS) • LEGO Battles: Ninjago (2011, DS) • LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game (2011, PSP, DS, 3DS) • LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 (2011, PSP, PSVita, DS, 3DS) • LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (2012, PSVita, DS, 3DS) • LEGO The Lord of the Rings (2012, PSVita, DS, 3DS) • LEGO City Undercover: The Chase Begins (2013, 3DS) • LEGO Legends of Chima: Laval's Journey (2013, PSVita, DS, 3DS) • LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Universe in Peril (2013, PSVita, DS, 3DS) • LEGO Friends (2013, DS, 3DS) • The LEGO Movie Videogame (2014, PSVita, 3DS) • LEGO The Hobbit (2014, PSVita, 3DS) • LEGO Ninjago: Nindroids (2014, PSVita, 3DS) • LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham (2014, PSVita, 3DS) • LEGO Ninjago: Shadow of Ronin (2015, PSVita, 3DS) • LEGO Jurassic World (2015, PSVita, 3DS) • LEGO Marvel's Avengers (2016, PSVita, 3DS) • LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2016, PSVita, 3DS) • LEGO City Undercover (2017, Switch) • LEGO Worlds (2017, Switch) • The LEGO Ninjago Movie Videogame (2017, Switch) • LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 (2017, Switch) • LEGO The Incredibles (2018, Switch) • LEGO DC Super-Villains (2018, Switch) • LEGO Harry Potter Collection (2018, Switch) • The LEGO Movie 2 Videogame (2019, Switch) • LEGO Jurassic World (2019, Switch)
2020s LEGO Builder's Journey (2021, Switch) • LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (2021, Switch) • LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga (2022, Switch) • LEGO Brawls (2022, Switch) • LEGO Bricktales (2022, Switch) • LEGO 2K Drive (2023, Switch) • LEGO Horizon Adventures (2024, Switch)