LEGO Games Wiki
LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy
This is the level in LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy. For the hub in LEGO City Undercover, see LEGO City. For the universe, see LEGO City (universe).
Level Progression
LEGO City Level
Number ?2
Game LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy
Universe Star Wars
Episode LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy
Playable Characters Choice

LEGO City is a bonus level from LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy.

Opening Crawl[]

In an infinite universe, all things are
As the second Death Star explodes
beside an Endor moon, Anakin
Skywalker's epic journey is
complete. With his final sacrifice,
balance has returned to the Force.
And in ANOTHER galaxy far, far
away, though, echoes of this drama
live on, and a new world awakens....


You start in an area surrounded by pots. You can use the Force to take out flowers and destroy them to get studs. You can destroy a red house where it will have some blue studs inside. You can destroy a black house in order to build an AT-ST with the Force. You can build some fans with the Force to get studs. You can also destroy a barn to build a tractor that when mounted on it will appear a path of studs. You can destroy a silver object with a bounty hunter in order to build a mechanism that will spin the swing. You can jump down a slide to get more studs. You can destroy a hole to be able to build an air vehicle. You can destroy plants in the east to be able to step on and appear flowers to get studs. You can destroy a house with the Force to build a smaller house. You can destroy plants to turn them into a house. You can destroy a silver object inside a house that falls apart if you go through it to build a vehicle that will spawn a path of studs. You can destroy a house to build another vehicle which will also spawn a path of studs. You can use the Force in a police station to close windows and doors and get studs. You can free one of the two Tauntauns and ride them to spawn a path of studs. You can build the LEGO word made from blocks with the Force. Make sure to kill all the NPCs you see around the level and destroy each item and grab loose studs to get more. The level will end as soon as you reach one million.


?2. LEGO City
HOW TO UNLOCK: 60 Gold Bricks in Cantina Exterior.
Playable Characters Enemies
Choice Civilians
Womp Rat*
Gonk Droid*
HOW TO COMPLETE: Collect a total of 1,000,000 studs.


External links[]

Website Article
Bonus Levels
A New Hope (LSWCS) • LEGO City (LSWCS) • Anakin's FlightNew TownPod Race (Original)Gunship Cavalry (Original)Theed PalaceTatooineGeonosisCoruscantMustafarKashyyykMos Eisley (LSWCS) • Death Star (LSWCS) • Bespin (LSWCS) • Hoth (LSWCS) • Endor (LSWCS, Minikit - LSWCS) • Young IndyAncient CityWarehouseWayne ManorArkham AsylumHarry's DestinyThe RideMillion Stud Challenge (LHP2)LEGO Gotham CityMiddle-earthThe Brick Apple?House Party ProtocolTabloid Tidy UpNuff SaidA Shock WithdrawalFeeling FiskyPut up your DukesStunt Show SurpriseReptilian RuckusStranger DangerThe Thrill of the ChessBro-tunheimSame Bat-time! Same Bat-channel!Tyrannosaurus Rex PursuitGallimimus EscapeTyrannosaurus Rex EscapeVelociraptor EscapeIndominus Rex PursuitIndominus Rex EscapeLEGO Isla NublarDejarik BattlePoe To The RescueLor San Tekka's ReturnRathtar HuntingThe Crimson CorsairTrouble Over TaulOttegan AssaultStarkiller DestructionDestroy Ninjago CityPanic! At the PicnicSimulation SituationDude, Where's My Dragon?Defying ConventionsToe-to-TotemSpook-Tacular Parade SagaHank-ger ManagementOscorp EscapadeDance Off, BroPoole PartyOmnidroid RampageGranny Knows BestMan to MantisThese Boots are Made for StompaArma-Ghetto SuperstarYou Kanto-uch This