LEGO Games Wiki
LEGO Alpha Team
Alpha Team PC
Abbreviation LAT
Developer Digital Domain
Climax Studios (Game Boy Color)
Publisher LEGO Media
Universe Alpha Team
Starting Level Mission One
Starting Characters Dash Justice
Episodes Ogel Island Laboratories
Goo Caverns
Deep Sea Orb Factory
Ogel's Hidden Arctic Command Base
Release Date October 4th, 2000 (Windows)
November 2000 (Game Boy Color)
Rating E
Systems Microsoft Windows
Game Boy Color
Categories Characters
Legoland LEGO Alpha Team LEGO Creator: Knights' Kingdom

LEGO Alpha Team is a puzzle game released for Microsoft Windows and Game Boy Color in 2000. The game follows a team of secret agents and their talking TV screen, TeeVee, as they stop the plans of their nemesis, Evil Ogel.

At the main menu, the player has the option to play through the story mode or to replay single missions from the game. The game recieved positive to mixed reviews upon release, IGN giving it a 6/10.


The game starts off in the Alpha Team headquarters where TeeVee informs the player that Ogel has created Evil Orbs which turn whoever gets close to them into his mindless slaves. The Alpha Team had spread out across the globe to find the Orb manufacturing plants, only to be captured by Ogel and his cronies. Only the team leader, Dash was able to escape and now requires the player's help to free the rest of the Alpha Team, destroy the Orb manufacturing plants and stop Ogel once and for all.

The game itself is played by an isometric viewpoint with the player placing down direction tiles, staircases, slides and trampolines to help guide the Alpha Team to plungers that unlock the door to the next level. When moving objects around, TeeVee can give a limited number of hints per level if the player is stuck.

As the game progresses, Dash rescues his fellow team members and gains access to new equipment the player can use such as explosive carts, laser guiding mirrors and ropes. Obstacles the player will face are Ogel's mind controlled workers who will attack if an Alpha Team member gets too close and pits they'll fall in if the player messes up setting up a route for them.

In the end, Ogel is defeated and his orbs cease production, his lair is destroyed and the team all celebrates with a dance party as the credits roll.



There are four different locations to visit containing 51 levels in total, not counting the Victory Party.

Ogel Island Laboratories[]

Focusing on Dash, with a plunger lock[]

  1. Mission One
  2. On the Right Path
  3. The Hidden Hop
  4. The Which Way Warehouse
  5. The Triple Jump
  6. High and Low
  7. Sliding By
  8. The Trouble Tube (unlock Crunch)

Focusing on Dash and Crunch, with two plunger locks[]

  1. Crunch Time
  2. The Boom Room
  3. Crisscross
  4. Yee-Haw, See-Saws!
  5. See-Saw Doublecross
  6. Demolition Derby
  7. Fill in the Blanks
  8. Punch a Bunch of Punchers
  9. Tag-Team Crossover
  10. Trouble Train Depot (unlock Radia)

Goo Caverns[]

Focusing on Dash and Radia, with laser locks[]

  1. Entrance to the Goo Caverns (with Crunch)
  2. See-Saw Laser Maze
  3. Mirror Madness
  4. Mirror Mirror
  5. Too Many Mirrors (Radia only)
  6. You Know the Drill
  7. Barrel Hop (with Crunch instead of Dash)
  8. Confused (with Crunch)
  9. Trouble Tube Twist (unlock Charge)

Focusing on Dash and Charge, with electric locks[]

  1. Hectic Electric (with Radia instead of Dash)
  2. Pump Room Jump
  3. Have See-Saw, Will Travel (with Radia)
  4. Double Trouble (with Radia instead of Dash)
  5. Turbo Relay (with Crunch and Radia instead of Charge)
  6. Second Step's a Doozy (with Radia)
  7. Trouble Sub Rescue (unlock Cam; with a plunger switch instead of a locked door)

Deep Sea Orb Factory[]

Focusing on Dash and Cam, with motor locks[]

  1. Trouble Sub Docking Bay (with Charge instead of Dash)
  2. Cam in Control (Cam only)
  3. Double-Duty Charge (with Charge instead of Dash)
  4. Ejector Sector
  5. Rescue Flex! (unlock Flex; with a plunger lock instead of two motor locks)

Focusing on Dash and Flex, with rope locks[]

  1. Tug Team (with Radia and Cam instead of Flex)
  2. Drop into Danger (Flex only)
  3. Computer Hop (with Cam)
  4. Dash's Decoy
  5. The D.O.O.M. Room (with a plunger switch instead of a locked door)

Ogel's Hidden Arctic Command Base[]

Focusing on Everyone[]

  1. Arctic Dash (Dash only)
  2. Crunch Punch (Crunch only)
  3. Rely on Radia (Radia's last mission)
  4. Charge in Charge (with Crunch; Crunch's last mission)
  5. Cam's Challenge
  6. Featuring Flex
  7. Mission Control (without Crunch and Radia; Dash, Charge, Cam, and Flex's last mission)


  1. The Victory Party!

Game Boy Color[]

There are four different locations to visit with a total of 32 levels. Only the first location was renamed.


Ogels Greenhouses[]

  1. Ogel Island (Dash)
  2. The Right Path (Dash)
  3. The Left Path (Dash)
  4. The Warehouse (Dash)
  5. The Tachyon Trap (Dash; unlock Crunch)
  6. The Boom Room (Dash and Crunch)
  7. Blocking The Way (Dash and Crunch)
  8. Power Down (Dash and Crunch; unlock Radia)

Goo Caverns[]

  1. The Goo Caverns (Dash and Crunch)
  2. The Laser Maze (Dash, Crunch, and Radia)
  3. Mirror Madness (Dash and Crunch)
  4. Mirror Mirror (Dash and Crunch)
  5. Too Many Mirrors (Dash and Crunch; unlock Charge)
  6. Hectic Electric (Dash and Crunch)
  7. Double Trouble (Dash, Crunch, Radia, and Charge)
  8. Tubular Dude (Dash and Crunch)

Deep Sea Factory[]

  1. Deep Sea Factory (Dash, Crunch, and Radia)
  2. The Aqua Maze (Dash and Crunch)
  3. Conveyor Belts (Dash and Crunch)
  4. Production Line (Dash and Crunch)
  5. The Water Trap (Dash and Crunch; unlock Cam)
  6. Control Room (Dash)
  7. Central Computer (Dash and Charge)
  8. Ogel Orb Store (Dash)

Ogel Arctic Base[]

  1. Ogel Arctic Base (Dash and Crunch)
  2. Snow Jumping (Dash and Crunch; unlock Flex)
  3. Ice Maze Madness (Dash, Crunch, and Cam)
  4. Ice Breaker (Dash and Crunch)
  5. Ice Block Hop (Dash, Crunch, and Flex)
  6. Orb Loading Bay (Dash)
  7. Snow Way Out (Dash and Crunch)
  8. D.O.O.M Doorway (Dash and Crunch)

Number of Hints (PC only)[]

Ogel Island Laboratories[]

Plunger Lock[]

  • Mission One: 2
  • On the Right Path: 4
  • The Hidden Hop: 6
  • The Which-Way Warehouse: 5
  • The Triple Jump: 4
  • High and Low: 4
  • Sliding By: 6
  • The Trouble Tube: 5

Two Plunger Locks[]

  • Crunch Time: 6
  • The Boom Room: 4
  • Crisscross: 9
  • Yee-Haw, See-Saws!: 4
  • See-Saw Doublecross: 5
  • Demolition Derby: 6
  • Fill in the Blanks: 5
  • Punch a Bunch of Punchers: 7
  • Tag-Team Crossover: 7
  • Trouble Train Depot: 11

Goo Caverns[]

Laser Locks[]

  • Entrance to the Goo Caverns: 7
  • See-Saw Laser Maze: 5
  • Mirror Madness: 5
  • Mirror Mirror: 4
  • Too Many Mirrors: 6
  • You Know the Drill: 5
  • Barrel Hop: 7
  • Confused: 7
  • Trouble Tube Twist: 5

Electric Locks[]

  • Hectic Electric: 6
  • Pump Room Jump: 7
  • Have See-Saw, Will Travel: 5
  • Double Trouble: 5
  • Turbo Relay: 8
  • Second Step's a Doozy: 8
  • Trouble Sub Rescue: 9

Deep Sea Orb Factory[]

Motor Locks[]

  • Trouble Sub Docking Bay: 7
  • Cam in Control: 5
  • Double-Duty Charge: 5
  • Ejector Sector: 5
  • Rescue Flex!: 5

Rope Locks[]

  • Tug Team: 5
  • Drop into Danger: 5
  • Computer Hop: 8
  • Dash's Decoy: 8
  • The D.O.O.M. Room: 8

Ogel's Hidden Arctic Command Base[]

  • Arctic Dash: 6
  • Crunch Punch: 7
  • Rely on Radia: 9
  • Charge in Charge: 8
  • Cam's Challenge: 8
  • Featuring Flex: 5
  • Mission Control: 7




  • Ogel
  • Zombie Workers



  • The game was originally titled Lego Logic and was to feature a handful of random characters with different jobs. The characters were then changed to the Alpha Team.
  • The Alpha Team also had three flash games that were once playable on the Lego website.
  • Flex does not appear in Tug Team, but he is mentioned by TeeVee.
  • Explosives are the only type of equipment without their own special Locks.
  • TeeVee and Evil Ogel are both played by the same voice actor and are the only characters that speak.


  • In Single Missions, Cam's Challenge is listed twice.
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