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Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones LIJ2
Full Name Henry Walton "Indiana Jones" Jr.
First Appearance Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
Game Appearances LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures
LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues
Universe Indiana Jones
Gender Male
Species Human
Alignment Good
Mortality Alive
Occupation Archeologist
Actor Harrison Ford
Related to Henry Jones (Father)

Indiana Jones is a character that has appeared in LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga and the LEGO Indiana Jones series of games.



Indiana Jones is a famed archeologist whom travels the earth in search for artifacts he can add to Marcus Brody's museum. He works as a history teacher at a university near the start of the films and goes exploring to find items immediately afterwards. His trademark weapon is his whip which he uses to swing himself out of tight situations or to snatch items off his foes, although he also uses a pistol for long range combat. Jones is also commonly shown to have ophidiophobia as he freaks out from seeing Jock's pet snake on his plane and trembles upon realizing the Arc of the Covenant is surrounded by snakes.



Source Material[]

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