LEGO Games Wiki
Extra Toggle
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Icon in LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy and LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga''
Games LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures
LEGO Batman: The Videogame
LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes
Type Almost Aesthetic

Extra Toggle (called Secret Characters in LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures) is an extra that has appeared in LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga, LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures, LEGO Batman: The Videogame (Although in LEGO Batman there were supposed to be Extra Toggle characters, but it doesn't work, presumably due to an oversight), LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game and LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes.


What this Extra does is that in Free Play Mode you can play with characters that are otherwise unplayable, however, most of these have no abilities. So, they are counted as Other.

Here is a list of any playable characters in certain levels:

Extra Toggle Appearances
Character Game Levels
Rebel Engineer* LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy IV-1, V-2
Skeleton* IV-2, IV-4, V-2, V-4, VI-2, VI-4, VI-5
Droid 1* IV-2, IV-3, IV-C
Droid 2
Droid 3
Droid 4
Womp Rat* IV-2, IV-3, VI-1, VI-4, IV-C, ?2
Mouse Droid* IV-4, IV-5, VI-5
Imperial Engineer* IV-4, IV-5, VI-4, VI-5, VI-C
Han Solo (frozen in carbonite)* V-5, V-6, VI-1, V-C
AT-AT Driver* V-2, VI-3
Scout Trooper VI-3, VI-4
Clone* VI-4
Skeleton LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga IIc-4, IIIc-5, IVc-2, IVc-4, Vc-2, Vc-4, VIc-2, VIc-4, VIc-5, IIIc-C
Buzz Droid* IIIc-1, IIIc-2, IIIc-3, IIc-C
Training Remote* IIIc-5
Rebel Engineer IVc-1, Vc-2, B-IV
Droid 1 IVc-2, IVc-3, IVc-C
Droid 2
Droid 3
Droid 4
Womp Rat IVc-2, IVc-3, VIc-1, VIc-4, IVc-C, B-V, B-VI
Mouse Droid IVc-4, IVc-5, VIc-5
Imperial Engineer IVc-4, IVc-5, VIc-4, VIc-5, VIc-C
Han Solo (frozen in carbonite) Vc-5, Vc-6, VIc-1, Vc-C
AT-AT Driver Vc-2, VIc-3
Scout Trooper VIc-3, VIc-4
Rancor* Ic-M
Wampa* Vc-M
"santa"* LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures 1-2
Dancing Girl 2* 2-1
Shanghai Hoodlum 1*
Shanghai Hoodlum 2
Grave Robber 1* B-1
Grave Robber 2
Nervous Pirate* LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game P1-1, P1-2, P1-3, P2-5, P3-1, P3-4, P4-3, P4-5
Dangerous Pirate P1-2, P1-3, P2-5
Worried Pirate
Angry Pirate
Soldier* P1-1, P1-4, P4-1
Town Man* P1-2
Town Pirate
Town Lady
Town Girl
Scarlett* P1-2, P3-4
Officer P1-4, P4-1
Pintel (Dress)* P1-5
Ragetti (Dress)*
Company Officer* P2-1, P3-1
Company Soldier
River Man* P2-2
River Lady
Finnegan* P2-3
Dutchman Pirate* P2-3, P2-4, P3-3, P3-5, PB
Jelly* P2-3, P2-4
Broondjongen* P2-3, P2-4, P3-3
Singapore Lady* P3-1
Singapore Man
Singapore Pirate
Imaginary Jack (Pistol)* P3-2
Imaginary Jack (Spade)
Imaginary Jack (Bomb)
Zombie Pirate* P4-2, P4-3, P4-5, PB
Mermaid* P4-3, P4-5
Spanish Soldier* P4-4, P4-5
Spanish Officer
Old Lady* LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes DC-1, DC-11
Mayor* DC-1, DC-12
Joker Goon* DC-1, DC-2, DC-5, DC-7, DC-8, DC-11, DC-12, DC-14, DC-15
Penguin Goon* DC-1, DC-B
Arkham Goon* DC-3, DC-4
Arkham Goon (Hat)
Arkham Goon (Black Eye) DC-3, DC-4, DC-11
Ivy Goon* DC-3, DC-B
Freeze Goon* DC-4, DC-B
LexCorp Pilot* DC-6, DC-8, DC-10
LexCorp Scientist* DC-6, DC-9
DrillBot* DC-7, DC-11, DC-12, DC-14, DC-15
Advanced LexBot DC-7, DC-15
LexCorp Guard DC-8, DC-9
LexCorp Secretary* DC-9
Paramedic* DC-11

Power Brick Locations[]



Game Elements
CharactersVehiclesLevels (Handheld) • HubsAbilitiesExtrasGamesUniversesMinikitsDeath Star PlansHouse CrestsPolice Shield FragmentsGolden Instruction ManualsPower BricksGold BricksMithril BricksMaster PiecesKyber BricksStud BarsStudsBricksSuper BricksSuitsPower UpsHintsCo-OpExtra ToggleCustom CharactersCharacter CreatorUnlockEpisodesStoryFree PlayChallengeSuper StoryStory CharactersStory VehiclesSet CharactersEnemiesBossesPurchasable CharactersPurchasable VehiclesPurchasable HubsPurchasable ExtrasCivilians in PerilCharacter TokensVehicle TokensCarbonite BricksQuestsRacesSongs (Soundtracks) • Double Score ZonesDLCsTemporary HubsBounty Hunter MissionsVillain HuntsCut content