LEGO Games Wiki
LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game
Level Progression
Darth Maul Discovery on Kamino Droid Factory
Discovery on Kamino
Discovery on Kamino
Number II-1
Game LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game
Universe Star Wars
Episode Attack of the Clones
Chapter 1
Playable Characters Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master)*
Unlockable Characters Clone*
True Jedi Status 28,400

Discovery on Kamino is the seventh level from LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game. It is the first level of Attack of the Clones.

Opening Crawl[]

Episode II
Chapter 1
The Galactic Republic plunges ever
deeper into crisis. Count Dooku leads
a Separatist movement which
threatens the future of the Republic.
In this time of turmoil, Obi-Wan
Kenobi investigates the attempted
assassination of Senator Padme
With his astromech droid R4-P17,
the Jedi Knight tracks the source of
a poisoned dart to the remote world
of Kamino....


Obi-Wan Kenobi follows a clue left by the toxic dart to the world of Kamino. In light of current events, he discovers a clone army being prepared for the Republic. He also encounters Jango Fett and his son Boba Fett, but the two escape before he can question them.


First build a light pole with Force so that there will be a bridge to go to the next room.

Follow Taun We to a room where you have to press 12 buttons diagonally so there will be a lever that you have to Force down to open a room. Then keep following Taun We after a door that you will have to use R4-P17 to open which will lead you to Jango Fett and his son, which you will also have to chase him to a part where you put bombs to destroy him. Use double jumps to cross the gaps and use R4-P17 with her flying ability to press a button that will build a bridge for Obi-Wan to cross and use the Force on some bricks to reveal an astromech panel that R4-P17 will have to interact with.

Then Jango Fett will keep running away from you and an army of floaters gun pods will come to bother you. Use the astromechanical panels to stop them from appearing and use the force on some bricks to reveal an astromechanical panel that will open the door when interacting. When you go through the door, it will take you to the final area of ​​the level, in which you will face Jango Fett together with his son in the Slave 1. After taking three hearts from Jango, his son will shoot Obi-Wan. You can use R4-P17 so that some gun turrets activate and fire at the Slave 1 as a distraction. When Jango Fett has one heart left, he will try to run away from you. Kill him to finish the level.


S means that the collectible can be obtained both in Story and in Free Play. F means the collectible can only be obtained in Free Play.

  • Minikit Canisters
    1. (F) Use the Force to put on 2 gears that will make the platform go up and use a high-jump character to get the minikit.
    2. (S) Use an astromech droid to fly through the gap to get this minikit.
    3. (F) After opening the two doors in the third area, use a protocol droid on the right protocol panel to open the door and press the buttons on platforms to create platforms and in the fifth shoot the target to create a bridge and use a kid on the last hatch to get this minikit.
    4. (F) In the same room, create a eighth platform and Force two small bricks to get this minikit.
    5. (S) In the third room's left hallway, flip the six switches with the blue lights to bring up the minikit.
    6. (S) Use the Force on a lever 5 times to make small bricks fall and use the Force on them to build a Jango Fett box for the capsule to open and get this minikit.
    7. (S) On the disc room, press a button while the AI ​​does its thing until the lights on all the buttons turn green to cause a party and spawn the minikit.
    8. (S) Press a button corresponding to the white above three times so that the capsule opens and you can grab this minikit.
    9. (F) Use a hook character to climb up and use a protocol droid to make the platform go up and down, hit the three targets on the platform. If you miss a shot, you can again use a protocol droid to make the platform go up and down again. Once you hit all three, the capsule will open and the minikit can be obtained.
    10. (F) In the penultimate area, break the black door with a Dark Force character to enter a secret room where you also have to use Dark Force on two little wheels to deactivate a force field that protects the minikit. But be careful, it will also release 6 enemies.


The minikit model in this level is a Jedi Starfighter. At the end of the level you can unlock Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master) and R4-P17. In Dexter's Diner you can buy a Clone. You will also be able to continue to Droid Factory.


GameLEGO Star Wars: The Video Game
Start pointPort of Kamino
CharactersObi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master)
Unlocks Clone
Enemies to defeat Floating Gun Pods
Gun Turrets
Bosses to defeat Jango Fett*



Normal Levels
Negotiations (LSWCS) • Invasion of Naboo (LSWCS) • Escape from Naboo (LSWCS) • Mos Espa Podrace (LSWCS) • Retake Theed Palace (LSWCS) • Darth Maul (LSWCS) • Bounty Hunter PursuitDiscovery on Kamino (LSWCS) • Droid Factory (LSWCS) • Jedi Battle (LSWCS) • Gunship Cavalry (LSWCS) • Count Dooku (LSWCS) • Battle over Coruscant (LSWCS) • Chancellor in Peril (LSWCS) • General Grievous (LSWCS) • Defense of Kashyyyk (LSWCS) • Ruin of the Jedi (LSWCS) • Darth Vader (LSWCS) • Secret Plans (LSWCS) • Through the Jundland Wastes (LSWCS) • Mos Eisley Spaceport (LSWCS) • Rescue the Princess (LSWCS) • Death Star Escape (LSWCS) • Rebel Attack (LSWCS) • Hoth Battle (LSWCS) • Escape from Echo Base (LSWCS) • Falcon Flight (LSWCS) • Dagobah (LSWCS) • Cloud City Trap (LSWCS) • Betrayal over Bespin (LSWCS) • Jabba's Palace (LSWCS) • The Great Pit of Carkoon (LSWCS) • Speeder Showdown (LSWCS) • The Battle of Endor (LSWCS) • Jedi Destiny (LSWCS) • Into the Death Star (LSWCS) • The Lost TempleInto the MountainsCity of DangerThe Well of SoulsPursuing the ArkOpening the ArkShanghai ShowdownPankot SecretsThe Temple of KaliFree the SlavesEscape the MinesBattle on the BridgeThe Hunt for Sir RichardCastle RescueMotorcycle EscapeTrouble in the SkyDesert AmbushTemple of the GrailYou Can Bank on BatmanAn Icy ReceptionTwo-Face ChaseA Poisonous AppointmentThe Face-OffThere She Goes AgainBatboat BattleUnder the CityZoo's CompanyPenguin's LairJoker's Home TurfLittle Fun at the Big TopFlight of the BatIn the Dark NightTo the Top of the TowerThe Riddler Makes a WithdrawalOn the RocksGreen FingersAn Enterprising TheftBreaking BlocksRockin' the DocksStealing the ShowHarboring a GrudgeA Daring RescueArctic WorldA Surprise for the CommissionerBiplane BlastThe Joker's MasterpieceThe Lure of the NightDying of LaughterHangar HavocDoom TownCafé ChaosMotorbike MayhemCrane TrainPeru Cell PerusalTomb DoomMac AttackRainforest RumbleDovchenko DuelRepair ScareRiver RuckusTemple TangleUgha StruggleAkator 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