LEGO Games Wiki
LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy
This is the bonus level in the PlayStation Portable version of LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy. For the character, see Darth Maul.
Level Progression
Darth Maul Count Dooku
Darth Maul
Darth Maul Level LSW2-PSP
Number I-6II
Game LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (PSP)
Universe Star Wars
Episode LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy
Playable Characters Qui-Gon Jinn*
Obi-Wan Kenobi*
Unlockable Characters Darth Maul*

Darth Maul is the first bonus level exclusive to the PlayStation Portable version of LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy. It is the bonus level for The Phantom Menace.

Opening Crawl[]

Episode I
The Trade Federation army has been
neutralized by Anakin Skywalker, but
the battle continues in the Royal
Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi
have one more enemy to face....


Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn encountered Darth Maul. Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon decided to fight Maul while Padmé and Captain Panaka took the long way. During the battle, Qui-Gon was stabbed by Darth Maul. Obi-Wan sliced Maul in half as revenge for his fallen master.


First, defeat the Battle Droids by deflecting their blasters and then Darth Maul will throw items at you. Send the objects to him to remove a heart. Repeat this three times and you will go to the second area.

In the second area, chase Darth Maul by jumping between platforms and avoiding falling. You will have to use Force on two platforms to cross.

In the third area, after jumping from platform to platform, Darth Maul will run away from you and two Commander Battle Droids will call in an army of Battle Droids. Defeat them to make them stop calling and spawn two Droidekas that you have to defeat to press two buttons to chase Darth Maul.

In the fourth area, Darth Maul will continue to run away and force fields will activate. Force one lever while the other character lowers the other to deactivate the force fields and follow Darth Maul.

In the fifth area, you will have to simply defeat Darth Maul. After taking 10 hearts from him, he will get on one of the three platforms and throw items at you. Send the items to him and he will go to another platform and after the third one you can follow him damaging, only this time you will have to change characters when he uses his Dark Force. Remove the remaining hearts to finish the level.


At the end of the level you can unlock Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Darth Maul.


I-6II. Darth Maul
HOW TO UNLOCK: Unlocked at the start of the game.
Playable Characters Enemies
Qui-Gon Jinn
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Battle Droid*
Battle Droid (Commander)
Darth Maul (Boss)
HOW TO COMPLETE: Reach end of level.



  • This is the first level in a LEGO game to be exclusive to one platform.
  • This level marks the only appearance of the planet Naboo in a version of LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy.
  • Like with the first game, the opening cutscene, Padmé is wearing her Tatooine outfit instead of her Battle of Naboo outfit which was fixed in The Complete Saga version.
  • Like with the first game, the utility vehicle from 7141 Naboo Fighter was replaced by a rideable vehicle in The Complete Saga.
Bonus Levels (Handheld)
LEGO CityDarth MaulCount DookuDarth VaderMos EisleyDeath StarBespinHothEndor (Minikit) • SandboxDeflection PracticeDeflection ChallengePitstopKamino ChallengeEvasion ChallengeGrievousFocus SurvivalLevitation ChallengeDeflection SurvivalEvasion SurvivalKamino SurvivalActivationLevitation SurvivalRaven Stud ShoveWhip Drag SurvivalWhip DragChilled Monkey BrainsBeetle PlatterLEGO Logo SurvivalLEGO Logo 1LEGO Logo 2LEGO Logo 3LEGO Logo 4LEGO Logo 5LEGO Logo 6LEGO Logo 7LEGO Logo 8LEGO Logo 9LEGO Logo 10LEGO Logo 11LEGO Logo 12Gotham Streets (Hero/Villain) • Gotham Docks (Hero/Villain) • Gotham Skies (Hero/Villain) • Boulder EscapeMonkey BusinessRooftop PursuitArk SpiritsMine Cart MayhemMaharajah HuntCrusher ChaosRope Bridge RumblerMaking TracksCross of CoronadoCastle RescueGrail TrialsMutt SwingAlien ShipHangar 51 RaceJungle RaceAstromech VolleyballSnowball FightSaberballVulture Shootout