The Character-Specific Ability ability is defined as anyone who has an ability exclusive to themselves. The list is as follows:
LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (GBA)[]
- Bespin Panels, the ability Lando Calrissian has. Lando Calrissian can interact with panels marked with his face to access areas that no other character can reach.
- Gamorrean Panels, the ability Gamorrean Guard has. Gamorrean Guard can interact with panels marked with its face to access areas that no other character can reach.
LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (DS)[]
- Bespin Panels, the ability Lando/Lando Jabba's Palace has. Lando can interact with panels marked with his face to access areas that no other character can reach.
- Gamorrean Panels, the ability Gamorrean Guard has. Gamorrean Guard can interact with panels marked with its face to access areas that no other character can reach.
- Walker on Slopes, the ability Gonk Droid has. Gonk Droid can walk on slippery slopes to reach different areas.
LEGO Batman: The Videogame[]
- Super-Growth, the ability Poison Ivy has. Poison Ivy can use super-growth to make objects grow rapidly.
- Tech Panels, although Robin and Nightwing can use the Technology Suit, without suits, the Scientist is the only person who can use these Tech Panels.
- Power Generators, the ability The Joker/The Joker (Tropical) has. The Joker can use his electric buzzer to power rotating generators.
- Penguin Bombs, the ability The Penguin has. The Penguin can use these moving bombs to go through purple chutes and also blow up shiny objects.
LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues[]
- Staff of Ra, although any other character can use it if they find it, without finding it, Belloq (Priest) is the only person who has a Staff of Ra. With this ability, Belloq (Priest) can use the Staff of Ra if he stands in a circle to shine reflectors.
LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game[]
- Blackbeard's magic, the ability Blackbeard has. Blackbeard can manipulate any red and black objects nearby.
- Jack Sparrow's Compass , Jack Sparrow Uses a Compass to locate special objects that will be hidden otherwise. If all objects are found in a level, the player will be rewarded with a Gold Brick.
LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes[]
- Green Construction, the ability Green Lantern has. Green Lantern can use his Power Ring to build objects made from green bricks.
- Super Speed, the ability The Flash has. The Flash can use his super speed to build deconstructed objects.
- Deconstructor, the ability Lex Luthor has. Lex Luthor can use his deconstructor to deconstruct shiny black bricks.
- Balloons in Boxes, the ability The Joker has. The Joker can place balloons in boxes that have his face on them to open them.
- Mystery Box, the ability The Riddler has. The Riddler can open boxes that have his question mark on them.
- Penguin Igloo, the ability The Penguin has. The Penguin can send a Penguin Minion to an igloo to be transported to another one.
- Flowerbed Travel, the ability Poison Ivy has. Poison Ivy can travel through flowerbeds to reach different areas.
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes[]
- Shrink, the ability Ant-Man has. Ant-Man can shrink down in size to fit through small spaces. This ability is only character-specific in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, however, in the other games, it is classified as an Other ability.
The LEGO Movie Videogame[]
- Lord Business Transform, the ability President Business/Lord Business (Minifigure) has. Lord Business can use a machine to equip large legs, which can be used to access certain switches too high up for normal sized minifigures.
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham[]
- Shrink Ray, the ability Brainiac has. Brainiac can use his Shrink Ray to enlarge small purple things and vice versa.
- Shrink, the ability The Atom has. The Atom can shrink down in size to fit through small spaces. Any other character can use this ability if they have the Mini Characters extra activated, but the Atom is the only character who can become small without having an extra activated.
- Flowerbed Travel, the ability Poison Ivy has. Poison Ivy can travel through flowerbeds to reach different areas.
LEGO Jurassic World[]
- T-Rex Urine, the ability Eric Kirby/Eric Kirby (Disguise)/Eric Kirby (Survivor) has. Eric Kirby can throw a glass of Tyrannosaurus Rex urine to scare off herds of Compsognathus.
- Compy Tubes, the ability Compsognathus/Compsognathus (Skeleton) has. Compsognathus can enter compy tubes to access areas that would otherwise be impossible to reach.
LEGO Dimensions[]
- Scan Disguise, the ability Ethan Hunt/Ethan Hunt (Tuxedo) has. Ethan Hunt can use certain booths and scan for a person to disguise as them.
- A-Team Master Build, the ability B.A. Baracus/H.M. "Howling Mad" Murdock/Templeton "Faceman" Peck/John "Hannibal" Smith has. They can take 3 objects and build something out of them, much like the Master Build ability.