Humans are the dominant species in the LEGO games. Here is a list of them.
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- A.I.M. Agent
- Aaron
- Abby Yates
- Aberforth Dumbledore
- Acronix
- Adam West
- Agent Coulson
- Agent Coulson/LM
- Alan Grant
- Alan Grant/LJW
- Albert Spindlerouter
- Albert Spindlerouter (Construction)
- Alfred
- Anakin Skywalker
- Ann Lee
- Anubis Guard
- Arrow
- Astronaut
- Asylum Inmate
- Aunt May/LM
- Axl
- Bane
- Barney
- Baron Flambo
- Barranca
- Barry Smith
- Basil The Bat Lord
- Batgirl
- Batman
- Batman/LBM3
- Bazooka Trooper
- Beach Trooper/LSWCS
- Beetle/LM
- Belloq
- Bespin Guard
- Biggs Darklighter
- Bill Derby
- Bill Ding
- Black Cat/LM
- Black Mask
- Black Panther/LM
- Blue Whittaker
- Bolobo
- Brad Speedo
- British Commander
- British Officer
- British Soldier
- Brody
- Broondjongen
- Bucky Butler
- Bud Hawkins
- Bullseye/LM
- Cam Attaway
- Captain America/LM
- Captain Bluffbeard
- Captain Katanga
- Captain Panaka
- Captain Redbeard
- Catwoman
- Chan Chuang
- Chancellor Palpatine
- Charge
- Charlotte Hannon (Fireman)
- Chase McCain
- Chattar Lal
- Chen
- Chip
- Clay
- Cloud 9
- Clown Robber Lou
- Clown Robber Lou (Robber)
- Clown Robber Max
- Clown Robber Wes
- Clutch
- Cole
- Colonel Dietrich
- Colonel Vogel
- Commissioner Gordon
- Company Soldier
- Cornelius Burns
- Count Dooku
- Crunch
- General Ross
- Giselle
- Glacia
- Goon
- Gordon Zola
- Grace Makepiece
- Grand Moff Tarkin
- Grave Robber
- Green Arrow/LBM3
- Green Lantern/LBM3