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LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
This is the bounty hunter level in LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga. For the character, see C-3PO.
C-3PO Bounty LSWCS
Level Designation BH-17
Target C-3PO*
Game LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
Level Betrayal over Bespin

C-3PO is the seventeenth bounty hunter mission from LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga.

Opening Crawl[]

Mission 17: C-3PO
The vile gangster Jabba the Hutt
plans to kidnap leading figures in the
Rebel Alliance, threatening to hand
them over to Imperial forces unless
a ransom is paid.
Naturally, the evil Hutt intends to
take the ransom money, trade his
prisoners to the Imperials
regardless, and pocket a double
Their next target: a humble protocol
droid whose knowledge of Rebel
personnel makes him a valuable
asset - C-3PO, last seen in Cloud


As the mission begins, continue down the hallway until you reach a bounty hunter panel that you'll need to interact with to open the door. When you get to the room with 3 paths, take the middle one as it will lead you to C-3PO. Use IG-88 to open the door. Continue down the hall until you come to two elevators. Of the two elevators, take the one on the left, as it will take you to the next area with C-3PO. When you come across C-3PO, approach him to complete the mission.

Differences from the Normal Level[]

  • Boba Fett at the beginning of the level does not turn the stairs into ramps, as Boba Fett himself is playable in the mission.
    • This also makes it unnecessary to pull the lever under the stairs. However, you still have to use the bounty hunter panel to open the door.


Bounty Hunters Enemies Target
Boba Fett*
Bespin Citizens


Bounty Hunter Missions
Qui-Gon JinnQueen AmidalaJar Jar BinksMace WinduKit FistoLuminaraKi-Adi MundiRebel TrooperShaak TiCommander CodyR2-D2 (LSWCS) • Obi-Wan Kenobi (LSWCS) • Chewbacca (LSWCS) • Princess Leia (LSWCS) • Admiral Ackbar (LSWCS) • Yoda (LSWCS) • C-3PO (LSWCS) • Lando Calrissian (LSWCS) • Luke Skywalker (LSWCS) • Han Solo (LSWCS) • R2-D2YodaPadmé AmidalaAnakin SkywalkerCaptain RexPlo KoonAayla SecuraObi-Wan KenobiAhsoka TanoKit FistoBail OrganaWaxerCommander CodyCommander PondsLuminara UnduliEeth Koth