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Main Page C-3PO
Game LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (GBA)
First Playable Level Blockade Runner
Level Unlocked Blockade Runner
Cost Free
Row 1
Column 4

C-3PO is a character that is playable in the Game Boy Advance version of LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy.


When Darth Vader and his army enter the Tantive IV, Leia helped C-3PO and his droid companion R2-D2 escape the Tantive IV via an escape pod.[1]

He and R2 landed on Tatooine, where they were found by Luke Skywalker.[2]

After Luke, Han, and Chewie rescue Princess Leia, they end up in the garbage room which was slowly closing. Luke tries to contact C-3PO about the situation, but not until R2 and 3PO arrive to the room, where the two saved the others from being crushed to death.[3]

Level Appearances[]

Levels in which C-3PO appears as a boss, enemy, or playable.

How to unlock[]

Complete Blockade Runner.


LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (GBA) Character Abilities
C-3PO icon
Jedi Build Protocol Astromech Hover Imperial Character-Specific Ability Other
No No Yes No No No No No


To be added

Physical Appearance[]

To be added


