LEGO Games Wiki
Bruce Banner (Thor: Ragnarok)
Bruce Banner Ragnarok Brickipedia
Main Page Bruce Banner
Game LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2
Level Unlocked Red King Revelation
Cost Free
Row 1
Column 15

Bruce Banner (Thor: Ragnarok) is a character that is playable in LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2.

Character Profile[]

The alter ego of Bruce Banner, The Hulk is a living personification of rage and strength. He possesses the capacity for almost limitless strength, which is proportional to his rage, excitement, or stress. Displaying limited intelligence in this form and with his destructive nature, it has led to The Hulk being branded a menace, by governments and he was hunted for most of his existence until the Avengers channeled his rage into good use. As time has progressed, Banner has shown more control over The Hulk while in his form.


During the party at Avengers Mansion, Wasp asks where Hulk is, and Iron Man says he "enjoys his quiet time".  Later on, in Sakaar, Hulk fights the heroes in a coliseum, but is able to be turned back onto their side. He then helps them defeat Attuma in Lemuria, and goes to Egypt to help attain a nexus fragment.

Level Appearances[]

Levels in which Bruce Banner (Thor: Ragnarok) has appeared as a boss, enemy, or playable.

How to unlock[]

Complete Red King Revelation.



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Physical Appearance[]

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