LEGO Games Wiki

Cstoczyn Cstoczyn 24 November 2021


Hi, What's Up?

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Usernumber2943 Usernumber2943 29 August 2021

Cleaning Up This Wiki

I've noticed this wiki is very messy and incomplete, so I've decided to help clean it up starting with updating the pages for levels.

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15804 The Bubble 15804 The Bubble 18 July 2021

The Lego Game Theory


This theory is a thing that all Lego Games existing one big universe starting with Lego Star War the Original Trilogy in 2005 to Lego Skywalker Saga in 2021 or 2022.

  • 1 The beginning 1300s-1700s
  • 2 Lego Indiana Jones and Lego Harry Potter 1930s-1990s
  • 3 Lego Jurassic World 1993-2015
  • 4 Lego Batman games Between 2000 and 2010

We start with this because it’s a long time ago in a galaxy far far away.

But 15804! I thought this revolves around earth!!!!

SHUT UP BRIAN!!!!!! This is a theory that all lego games exist in the same universe, anyway after that we get Lego Pirates of the Caribbean. Which takes place in the 1700s

We know the time these games took place and this introduced Magic by using a stick instead of just using your hands.

Lets agree that the s…

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Isaí Fan of LEGO Isaí Fan of LEGO 9 March 2021

LEGO Batman 2: The Action Continue (How would have been)





The Joker

Harley Quinn

The Riddler

Two Face

The Penguin

Poison Ivy



Killer Croc


Mr. Freeze

Mad Hatter

Killer Moth




Ra’s Ghul

Mr. Zsasz

Black Mask



Bruce Wayne

Tim Drake

Barbara Gordon

Dick Grayson

Alfred Pennyworth

Commissioner Gordon

Lucius Fox

Vicky Vale


Security Guard



Business Man

Business Woman



Old Lady


Subway Driver

Sewage Worker

Energy Operator


Ice Cream Man


Joker Goon

Clown Goon

Mime Goon

Riddler Goon

Two Face Goon

Mr. Freeze Goon

Poison Ivy Goon

Scarecrow Goon

Asylum Inmate

Asylum Patient

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15804 The Bubble 15804 The Bubble 18 October 2020

Playing Lego Star Wars TFA before the skywalker saga.

I'm doing it, I'm absolutley doing it!

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Brad1nator11 Brad1nator11 2 May 2020


I didn't really want to make this but I need to. I've seen about 3-4 active people on this wiki and I think it's time to step up our game. We need to start updating this wiki to be more eye friendly and to be more modern as the current layout and design is 2015 esc. We also need some new admins to help out with people that are memeing pages or griefing. And we also need a discord server to:

  1. Talk to our current community establish feedback and get the wiki updated more.
  2. Talk to our active editors on what we need edited
  3. Make events or goals for people to edit certain pages etc
  4. Grow the community

I know of a Subreddit called r/legostarwars which is dedicated to lego star wars. That subreddit has a whopping 61,597 as of now. Imagine how many more e…

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Brad1nator11 Brad1nator11 28 April 2020

Been Updating

I've been updating many articles with more info, hyperlinks, spelling corrections, etc.

I want to get this wiki up to Brikpedia's standards. I think the Spanish version of this wiki looks much better much cleaner and overall better. I'd like the english wiki to look smililar to the spanish version.

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Legomyego09 Legomyego09 28 November 2019

Project LSW1 Characters

  • 1 11/28/2019:
  • 2 11/29/2019
  • 3 11/30/2019
  • 4 12/1/2019
  • 5 2/18/2020
  • 6 4/24/2020
  • 7 4/26/2020
  • 8 6/30/2020

So today I have decided that I need to help this wiki. Many of the articles have no images, no articles, no pages on many other things, and pages that only have a infobox. Since I have played many of the Lego games I can help fix with this wiki. So here are the things I done for Project LSW1 Characters.

  1. Qui Gon Jinn
  2. Obi Wan Kenobi
  3. TC-14
  4. Jar Jar Binks
  5. Queen Amidala
  6. Captain Panaka
  7. Padme (Battle)
  8. R2-D2
  9. Anakin Skywalker (Boy)*

So I be updating on how i'm doing, maybe it will be daily or not, who knows.


  • Haven't done but will do it today

So far today I haven't done much. Only added pictures of R4-P17, but will add a lot more tomorrow.

I know is part isn't long but I'll pro…

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ReedJa2 ReedJa2 11 July 2010

Lego Indiana Jones 3

We Should do Lego Indiana Jones 3 On This Wiki

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Lego Riddle Lego Riddle 11 July 2010

LEGO Prince of Persia

Lego Riddle here im to create and edit the level articles for LEGO Prince of Persia and would like to thank the user ReedJa for already creating the main central article of the upcoming video game.

Ive also been at work on the LEGO Batman wiki and made and edited the article Boss Battles.

The Original Basis for LEGO Prince of Persia came with the mini animated clip promoting the minifigures and film adaption.

2:01*Add to queue Added to queue LEGO Prince of Persia Mini Movie[1]Here it is! All of the action, adventure and thrills of the Prince of Persia movie in LEGO brick form! Join brave Prince Dastan as he invades LEGOClubTV | 2 months ago | 87,678 views

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Lego Riddle Lego Riddle 6 July 2010

Our Own Template:)

In the works is the wikia template for Lego Video Game Wikis:

1. LEGO Star Wars

2. LEGO Indiana Jones

3. LEGO Batman

4. LEGO Harry Potter Years 1-4

5. LEGO Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

6. LEGO Marvel the Original Heroes

7. LEGO Lord of the Rings

8. LEGO Superman

9. LEGO Scooby Doo

10. LEGO Alice In Wonderland

11. LEGO Grand Theft Auto

12. LEGO Twilight

13. LEGO Disney

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Daniel1990 Daniel1990 19 February 2010

Lego Marvel the Original heroes wiki

On wikia gaming the wiki for the upcoming video game of Lego Marvel the original heroes has been put up:).

Fair warning though it will not contain as much as information as put up on Lego Games but is still in editing.

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