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Bionicle: Maze of Shadows
Maze of Shadows
Abbreviation BIMOS
Developer Razorback Developments
Publisher THQ
Universe Bionicle (universe)
Starting Level Stone Region
Starting Characters Vakama
Release Date September 13th, 2005
Rating E
Systems Game Boy Advance
Categories Characters
Bionicle Bionicle: Maze of Shadows

Bionicle Heroes

Bionicle: Maze of Shadows is a turned based RPG released for the GBA in 2005. It loosely follows the story of the Toa Metru, consisting of the Turaga from the previous Bionicle games and acting as a prequel of sorts to the entire lore of the series as a whole. The game is played entirely through a top down perspective with separate battle screens if the player encounters a monster through either touching one in the overworld or a random encounter in the form of an ambush.

The A button tosses a disk while holding down the R button brings up a selection for what disk the player wishes to equip. The B button uses the Toa's mask power while holding down the L button cycles through the different Toa to swap to.


The game begins with the Toa Metru defeating Makuta and trapping him in a location called the Great Barrier. However Makuta is keeping the Matoran in suspended animation by encasing them in sleeping pods in the city of Metru-Nui. The Toa find themselves trapped on their future home of Mata Nui and must find a way back to awaken the Matoran, fighting off various monsters until Nokama is mortally wounded and poisoned.

Vakama wants to keep moving so the rest of the Matoran can be saved, but Whenua argues that they can't go anywhere until Nokama recovers. The two face off until they're interrupted by a massive beast known as the Karzahni, whom reveals that it wanted to finish off Makuta due to his mistreatment of the beast. It then decides to get revenge on all six of the Toa instead, but decides it needs them for a small task.

The Karzahni cures Nokoma of her poisoning temporarily and promises to fully cure her if the Toa succeed in their mission. The Karzahni sets them off to a vault where they will take a black vial and use it to collect a sample of Makuta's energized Protodermis from his lair, then return it to the beast. Vakama sets off first to find the vault, suspicious of the beast's intentions.

The player starts off in a rocky area with the Karzahni speaking telepathically to them to give them instructions on how the game's functions work such as tossing disks or changing between different Toa. During the game, the player will encounter Rahi whom they must battle. The battle system functions like any other RPG, each Toa has a different element that is either strong or weak against the Rahi they're battling and thus the player must switch between the different Toa and use their attacks to bring down their foes any way possible. Each attack type has a certain number of points that go down depending on how often the player uses it, an attack cannot be used if all the attack points have been used up.

On their turn, the player can either toss a disk, use the Toa's mask power, use a tool they picked up off the ground, use an item to heal or restore attack points, defend or run. If the player is successful in their battle, the Toa battling will be rewarded with a number of Experience Points used to level them up, gaining better stats and new attacks. Items scattered along the overworld include disks to be used in battle or roots that can heal a Toa's HP or heal status aliments, there are also explosive canisters that the player must toss a disk at in order for it to explode while they're a safe distance away. If a Toa has been defeated in battle, they can still be used in the overworld for puzzles, but will be immediately swapped to a different Toa on the battle screen

Each Toa also have different uses in the overworld, Vakama can turn invisible to bypass any enemies the player doesn't want to fight, Nokama can translate any blue writing on the walls, Matau can cross large gaps in the ground, Whenua can break apart stone obstacles, Nuju can use telekinesis on objects that are indicated with an arrow and Onewa can scale walls that have been marked with black triangles. They will also encounter pillars in the ground that can fully heal the entire party and restore their attack points if touched, but will only work once, and pressure plates that require Nuju to place a heavy object on them to open doors.

As the Toa travel through the Stone Region, Matau notes that the Rahi are more aggressive than usual, with Onewa explaining that must be frightened of something. The Player then arrives at the Water Region, where Nokama will be needed most to swim across bodies of water. As the team travels further into the region and face off against more foes, Whenua points out how aggressive the Rahi are as well, adding that they look different physically as well.

Nuju explains that the energized Protodermis the Karzahni is demanding has the ability to transform or destroy any living creature near it, however there is no way of knowing which of the two will happen. Then it's off to the Ice Region with slippery ice grounds only Nuju can safely travel across. At the end is a gliding segment with Matau, pressing the A button accelerates him while the B button is his breaks. He can't fly too slow or else he will be caught by the Rahi chasing him, but flying too fast will lead him to bumping into walls. The player must simply safely make it to the end and is greeted to a boss fight against the Rahi.

The group notes that the closer they get to Makuta's lair, the stronger the Rahi become, but press on to complete their task. Nokoma finally asks what will happen if they get their hands on the energized Protodermis, as she doesn't trust handing it over to the Karzahni. Whenua agrees, knowing that the object could very well make the Karzahni all powerful and asks Vakama if he has a plan, but the fire Toa simply marches on into the Earth Region.

Whenua is at the front in this region, as he will be able to enter darkened areas without any trouble seeing. As the group approaches the Fire Region, Vakama expresses his concerns towards Nokama, whom insists she is fine, stating that even if she wasn't, the Toa couldn't stop. Whenua informs the rest of the Toa that they have traveled so far below ground that they have entered an ancient ruin of sorts, with the only one old enough to build them being Makuta. In this region, Vakama is needed mostly to cross rivers of lava.

At the end, the Toa finally make it into Makuta's lair, all they have left to do now is use the vial they have to collect a sample of the energized Protodermis. Vakama tells the rest of the group to be careful, as most likely the Rahi within will be much stronger than the ones they faced previously. After battling more Rahi and opening more doors, the team finally makes it to the pool or energized Protodermis. But before they enter, Whenua senses something powerful moving through the ground.

Vakama still warns the group to be cautious, as the pool was where the Rahi were created out of Makuta's madness. As he goes to scoop up a sample, they get ambused by the pool's guardian, saying taking from the pool is forbidden. Vakama explains that they are Toa and only needed a small portion of energized Protodermis, Nuju adding that they are attempting to find a way to Metru Nui and the sleeping Matorans from the Karzahni. The guardian explains that he knows what the Karzahni is, seeing it as soon as it was born. He still refuses to give the Toa some of the energized Protodermis however, he cares not for the Matoran, as they're mortal while he is life itself.

Vakama infuriates the guardian some more, calling him just as bad as his master, Makuta. The guardian retaliates, saying he has no master and sees them all as no more important than the weakest Rahi. Nuju however is unphased and they challenge the guardian to a boss fight. The player however must run immediately, then run in the overworld as the guardian shoots energy balls at the player. Another rahi emerges from a pipe and the player battles it instead.

The guardian shoots more energy balls at three corners of the room, freeing the other two Rahi from pipes for the player to beat. Once they're gone, Vakama taunts the guardian some more as he furiously tells the Toa that no matter how hard they hit him, he will always retaliate stronger. They strike a deal, they get some energized Protodermis and no more damage will be dealt to the pool's room, however the guardian isn't done yet and sends a tidal wave at the Toa. Luckily Nokama spots the attack in time and they dodge, leading to the guardian burying himself alive.

Nokama states that with all their power and knowledge, they only ever strive to destroy and lack the spirit the Toa have. They return to the Karzahni with their loot, demanding it holds up its end of the bargain. The Karzahni claims it never gave its word, demanding the vial or else Nokama will die. Nuju however realizes that this whole time, the Karzahni doesn't have long to live either. The Karzahni declares that the energized Protodermis will ensure that it lives forever and do everything Makuta had failed to do in the end.

Vakama threatens to pour out the vial until the Karzahni finally lets up and cures Nokama fully of her poison. Once it has the vial, Onewa is shocked that Vakama let the Karzahni have the vial, the fire Toa declaring they must keep their word, or else they would be no better than the guardian. However, the energized Protodermis ends up destroying it in the end, Nuju declaring that it wasn't in the Karzahni's destiny to transform into something greater. As the Karzahni fades, it warns the Toa that Makuta wasn't permanently stopped by them and that a new group of Toa must rise to stop him, leading up to the events of the Toa-Mata.


Stone Region[]

The first area, the player starts out in front of the Karzahni and learns of the different Toa abilities and how to battle and solve simple puzzles.

Water Region[]

This area has more foes and rivers that only Nokama can cross

Ice Region[]

Nuju is mostly used here in order to cross icy patches of land, it ends with a flying minigame where the player takes control of Matau and is the only level that does so

Earth Region[]

This area has dark areas only Whenua is able to see with his mask ability, there are also more complex puzzles and tougher enemies

Fire Region[]

There are large patches of lava that only Vakama can cross over, as well as the usual tougher foes as the Toa make it to the end

Makuta's Lair[]

The final area in the game, there are no gimmicks that require a single Toa here, they must simply make it to a large door at the end and then fight three boss Rahi to beat the game.

Battle Mode[]

Battle Mode is one of the two side modes in the game, it's basically an enemy rush where the player fights battle after battle of Rahi until they either quit or lose all their Toa. At the end the players are ranked on a score board.

Tunnel Challenge Mode[]

Tunnel Challenge is the second side mode in the game and is the flying minigame with Matau in three different scenarios. He must fly through a tunnel while avoiding hitting the walls, if he goes too slow, the Rahi chasing him will catch him and the level ends. The A button accelerates him while letting go will slow him down, use the B button to immensely slow down. In the end, the player will be ranked on a scoreboard with other players.



  • The game ends on a cliffhanger, although its implied that the Matoran do get saved by the Toa-Metru in the end
  • Air is the only Toa element that doesn't have its own region
  • Onewa and Matau are also the only Toa who don't have their own overworld gimmicks needed for a region
Handheld Games
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