LEGO Games Wiki
Bionicle Cover
Developer Argonaut Games
Argonaut Sheffield
Publisher EA Games
LEGO Interactive
Universe Bionicle (universe)
Starting Level Tahu Mata
Starting Characters Tahu
Release Date October 20th, 2003
Rating 4.7/10
Systems Microsoft Windows
PlayStation 2
Game Boy Advance
Categories Characters
Bionicle: Matoran Adventures Bionicle Bionicle: Maze of Shadows

Bionicle is a 3D platformer with surfing segments that loosely follows the Bionicle lore, the player takes control of one of the six Toa to defend the island of Mata Nui from Makuta who has returned from a previous defeat. The Toa each have four hit points and an energy meter which depletes from each attack used, but it can be replenished by either reflecting enemy projectiles with their shields or by holding down a button while standing still to absorb energy from the area.


The game starts with a Turaga putting on a play for a village until they're attacked by Makuta's monsters, the Toa immediately leap into action and realize Makuta is back. The first segment starts in Ta-Koro, where Tahu must traverse the volcanic village, defeating monsters and rescuing captive Matorans. Each level has a set number of Matoran to save and Lightstones to collect. In the end of the Ta-Koro, Tahu fights a wave of enemies in a circular room, destroying four pillars as well. The rescued Matorans are able to open a door, leading Tahu down a dark cavern.

After defeating another wave of enemies, Tahu picks up a a purple mask called a Krana. It starts to corrupt him until the chronicler, Takua from The Quest for the Toa, tells Tahu of a Great Kanohi Mask he found in the lava. Tahu tells him to return to the village while he travels to Ko-Koro where he tells Kopaka about the Krana which is key to defeating Makuta's minions.

This starts the first snowboarding mission, the player must guide Kopaka down a mountainside, dodging falling rocks and shooting projectiles at enemies while also sliding through glowing green gates for a speed boost and collecting Lightstones. At the end is a boss fight against a monster known as a Bohrok, it's impervious to any attacks, so Kopaka must instead activate his shield to reflect the Bohrok into the air. While the village is saved, the Turaga tells Kopaka that the leader of the attack has fled down the mountain, so he snowboards down the mountain while being chased by a giant snowball, dodging boulders rolling his way until he makes it all the way down.

Kopaka is then snowboarding through an ice cave until he faces off against a second Bohrok, defeating him in the exact same way and taking his Krana. A cutscene will then play of the Toa gaining new forms before cutting to Ga-Koro where the Turaga is surprised to find Gali in her new form, until she reassures them that she's still the same Toa inside. Her task is to find the hidden Matoran around the village, Gali is able to swim and dive underwater, although it makes attacking enemies harder. The higher she jumps, the deeper she can dive underwater. Gali is then tasked with breaking open a dark energy cage to free the Matoran trapped inside, it can only take fully charged energy blasts to crack it.

After saving all the Matoran, Gali makes it to the center of the village where she's ambushed by more of Makuta's underlings and must take them out. Although they're all defeated easily, Gali senses something's off. Takua returns and tells her that new dark creatures have emerged and are heading to Onu-Wahi, so Gali sets off to warn Onua of the attack, running into Pohatu on the way. Pohatu makes his way to Onua while Gali sets off to find Lewa.

Pohatu makes his way through a desert until he falls in a hole alongside a Matoran, the only way out being a door with six locks on it. This starts a mine kart level where Pohatu must flip switches and avoid falling obstacles while also keeping his energy up by collecting glowing green orbs, as the kart is powered by his element. Once all six switches are flipping, Pohatu is able to go through the door and reunite with Onua. Another monster attacks, but Onua says he can handle it and tells Pohatu to go find Tahu.

Onua then travels through more dark caverns, pushing rocks onto pressure plates to open doors while facing off against more of Makuta's monsters. In the end he finds another monster trapped in an energy cage. He must push rocks into the five vents surrounding the cave until the cage collapses on itself and crushes the monster. In the meantime Gali arrives at Le-Koro and finds Lewa who already knows of the attacks, but his Matoran have all been captured by monsters he calls the Sons of Makuta.

Lewa sets off to find them, rail grinding to take out more monsters as well as doing the usual platforming. Once the Matoran are all saved, Lewa can soar above the treetops and glide around to collect more Lightstones and fight off enemies. Near the end, Lewa glides behind a Gukko Bird to make it to the center of the village and a boss fight against a giant monster. Lewa must destroy the platforms it jumps on so it can sink into the swamp below. Once it's defeated, Lewa claims the Krana and the player cuts to Pohatu meeting up with Tahu and Takua.

Takua tells of the Mask of Light which leads to the Seventh Toa, whom is the only one who can wear the mask. Unfortunately the mask was lost after the chronicler was attacked by the Sons of Makuta, also known as Rahkshi. Pohatu will be escorting the chronicler to the village while Tahu handles the Rahkshi personally. Tahu is then lava boarding down the volcano to make it to the attacking monsters, dodging pillars while also fighting off foes and collecting Lightstones.

Once Tahu makes it to the end, the Mask of Light is retrieved, revealing Takua to be the Seventh Toa. He is now facing off against Makuta himself in his base. The boss fight against Makuta involves him summoning more monsters and striking purple lightning on the ground to harm Takua. However Takua has all the abilities of the six Toa and can automatically recharge his energy meter after attacking, the first wave involves him destroying all of Makuta's monsters before falling through the arena.

The second phase begins as Takua and Makuta are falling, now he must jump on platforms with Makuta's face to get rid of his forcefield and then send an energy blast his way while dodging Makuta's energy balls. In the end, Makuta is defeated and Takua forces him to wear the Mask of Light, returning balance to the island and reawakening the spirit of Mata Nui.


Concept Art[]

Two concept art galleries can be unlocked when beating the game, showing off what could have been added in.


The movie trailer for Bionicle: The Mask of Light is an extra the player can view, as the game is somewhat based on the film


The player can either rewatch the game's cutscenes or watch a commercial showing off the Bionicle toys

Story of the new tool[]

This details the new weapon Takua obtains as he fights Makuta, it's exclusive to the game and also comes with backstory on Takua. He observed all of the Toa's victories and the history of Mata Nui, giving him the title of The Chronicler.

Mata Nui Visitor's Guide[]

This part of the menu will show the player basic information about the six Toa, the different villages with the Matorans living in them, the Rahkshi and the bosses.


Version Differences[]


  • The game became an isometric styled platformer to compensate for the hardware limitations
  • Lightstones are now a mandatory collectable for opening certain doors, rather than just a means for 100% completing the game
  • The Toa don't have their usual weapons, instead they rely solely on their projectile attacks to defeat enemies
  • Regaining projectile energy now comes from purple orbs scattered on the ground, rather than absorbing enemy projectiles or energy from the ground
  • The Toa now have a life meter as well as a health meter, in the console and PC releases, they had unlimited lives.
  • The lava and snowboarding segments have been removed
  • The player can complete the levels in any order they wish, as each Toa gets two levels to themselves, one for their Toa-Mata forms and the other for their Toa-Nuva forms. Only Takua is locked until the end of the game.


  • This game loosely follows the plot of the straight to DVD film, Bionicle: The Mask of Light.
  • Takua isn't referred to by name until the end, the characters only call him The Chronicler. Jaller, his partner, is also absent from this game
  • Vakama, Nuju and Nokama are the only Turaga who appear in the game.
  • Kopaka is the only Toa who's not playable in his Nuva form.
  • This is the only LEGO video game on the original Xbox where the button prompts look identical to those of the Controller S as both LEGO Star Wars games on the original Xbox depict the button prompts looking identical to the Duke controller.