LEGO Games Wiki
Level Progression
The Speeder Chase Battle on Endor Heart of the Death Star
Battle on Endor
Battle on Endor
Number VI-DS-4
Game LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (DS)
Universe Star Wars
Episode Return of the Jedi
Chapter 4
Playable Characters Endor Han Solo*
Endor Luke*
Playable Vehicles ATST*
Unlockable Characters Ewok*
Leia Endor*
Scout Trooper*
Jango Fett*
True Jedi Status 10,100

Battle on Endor is the fourteenth level in the Nintendo DS version of LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy. It is the fourth level of Return of the Jedi.

Opening Crawl[]

Episode VI
As the Rebel fleet draws
closer to the Death Star,
Luke Skywalker has turned
himself over to Imperial
forces and heads to the
Death Star for a final
confrontation with Darth
The commando team led by
Han Solo makes its way
towards the Imperial shield
generator on Endor. But the
rebel forces are lured into a
trap. Although it appears
incomplete, the Death Star is
already fully operational.
And a deadly surprise lies in
wait for the intrepid rebel
strike team...


Luke and Han search for Leia until they find her helmet on the ground, implying that she disappeared. As they ask how she disappeared, Chewie chases after an Ewok, but then he, along with Luke and Han, are captured. Later, in the Ewok Village, two Ewoks are captured by Scout Troopers, leading Wicket to free Han, Chewie, and Luke. However, Luke stays with Wicket, while Han and Chewie rescue the two captured Ewoks. After rescuing the two Ewoks, Wicket thanks Han and Chewie and, along with the latter, heads to a landing pad. There, they steal an ATST and use it to lay waste to an Imperial bunker. R2-D2 attempts to open it, but in doing so, is destroyed. Luke, Wicket and Chewie try to open it with a Stormtrooper helmet and succeed. Doing so causes Han to enter the bunker early, so Luke and Wicket follow him. They manage to blow up the generator, which surprises Leia.


At the beginning of the level, you will see a cutscene where Luke, Han, and Chewie are captured by Ewoks. When the cutscene ends, you'll see another cutscene, where two Ewoks are captured by Scout Troopers, so Wicket frees Han, Chewie, and Luke. When this scene ends, you will start in Ewok Village taking control of Han and Chewie. This area is huge and can confuse you a lot. You can go either left or right, but it is recommended to go right. Jump to the lower platform, go right, defeat a Scout Trooper and jump to the next platform on the right. There, defeat a Scout Trooper and destroy a crate to drop the first of many logs. Use the log to cross and jump to the next platform. Jump to the next platform, defeat a Scout Trooper, and pull a lever so Chewie can cross with a log. On the platform you're on, shoot a target on the tree to free some loose parts. Use them to build a grapple point and use it to reach the platform above. Jump over three moving logs to reach the next platform. There, defeat two Scout Troopers, as well as two others on the next platform to the right, to rescue the first Ewok. Follow the path to the right to find another grapple point. Use it to reach some tree trunks. This zone can be a bit labyrinthine, but to follow the main path, use the southern grapple point. Jump across the next platforms to the right. Be careful as they will fall depending on gravity. The button on the tree trunk will reset them to normal. Use the grapple point on the left here to reach more platforms. On the first of these, build a box and use it to reach the platform on the right. There, defeat three Scout Troopers to rescue the second and only other Ewok. Return to the first platform, follow the path to the right and jump across a gap to another platform. (If you have an awkward camera in this part, let yourself die by falling to reset it.) On that platform you jumped to, use a grapple point to get to a platform far to the right, build a box, and then use it to jump to the next platform. Jump over another gap and use the next wobbly platforms to jump to the next two intact platforms. On the second of these platforms, cross the last few wobbly platforms to reach the main platform of the area. There, you will receive many studs, hearts, and a minikit. Wicket will also replace Han. Jump over four moving logs. This can be very difficult, since Chewie and Wicket do not have a diving second jump. When you successfully jump over them and reach the far ledge, enter the next area.

From the next area onwards, things become simple. In this area, follow the straight path while defeating Scout Troopers until you reach the next area. It is recommended to do this with Chewbacca, since Wicket uses his foot as a weapon, something he does not attack from afar.

In the next area, use a grapple point on the right side to reach the walkway above. Then, enter the first junction and push the walls to exit to the left. Follow the path, defeat a Stormtrooper, and build a switch to extend a bridge. Defeat another Stormtrooper and enter the second junction. Push the walls to exit to the south (left in version 1.1) and hop on an ATST. Defeat an enemy ATST and go to the path on the left side to reach another part of the previous area.

By going to the path on the left side, you will return to the previous area, but from the path on the left. You will control the ATST, which can destroy brown walls. Follow the path and when you reach the junction, destroy the brown walls on the right and follow the path to the next area.

In the next area, you will see a cutscene where R2-D2 will attempt to open the door to the Imperial bunker, only to be destroyed. You will be attacked by Stormtroopers, Death Star Troopers and Shuttle Pilots, so defeat them. It is recommended to do this with Chewie, as he can attack from afar.

In the next area, go down the slope and use Wicket to enter the hatch on the right, since the door is closed. On the other side of the door, step on ten buttons in order as they light up to open the door. Switch to Chewie and shoot a target on the far ledge to extend a bridge. Then, use a hat dispenser to put on a Stormtrooper helmet and return to the previous area.

When you return to the previous area, you will have the Stormtrooper helmet, so enemies shouldn't notice you. Go to the front door of the bunker and use the Imperial panel while wearing the Stormtrooper helmet to play a cutscene, ending the level.


S means that the collectible can be obtained both in Story and in Free Play. F means the collectible can only be obtained in Free Play.

  • Minikit Canisters
    1. (F) Where you build the first grapple point of the first area, jump to the platform on the right to find a small platform. Use a Jedi character to lift it, jump on it, and then use a moving log to reach the platforms on the other side. (Be careful, in this part you may have an awkward camera, so you should die to reset it.) On the other side of the platforms, jump to the platform on the right, go around the tree, and then jump to the log with this minikit.
    2. (S) On the log where you use the left grapple point to reach the platforms on the right, use the opposite grapple point. Then, upon reaching a place with four grapple points, use the northwest grapple point to reach a large log with this minikit.
    3. (F) On the left side of the first area, you will find three Ewok houses with buttons inside. Use MSE-6 to enter the houses and step on the three buttons to make this minikit appear on the main platform:
      1. The first house is on the platform near the log with the second captured Ewok.
      2. The second house is on the platform after the previous one, which contains a grapple point. An MSE-6 is guarding it, so destroy it before entering.
      3. The third house is on the first platform reached after using the wobbly platforms on the left side.
    4. (S) After rescuing the two Ewoks, Wicket will leave you this minikit in the middle of the main platform of the first area.
    5. (F) In the second area, use Boba Fett to jump over the brown walls on the left, as there will be no ATST you can control in the third area. At the end of the path on the left, before reaching the third area on the left side, use a Jedi character to raise a platform. Then, use it to jump to the next platform and also lift it up using the Force to reach the top of a log. This next part can be very complicated, so it is recommended to use Boba Fett. First, use Boba's blaster on three grapple points until you reach a part where you will see moving logs. Jump over the first log and then use Boba's jetpack to reach the top of a log and step on a button to reveal a grapple point to return. Use a grapple point to reach another one on top of another log and jump to another moving log with Boba. Then, jump over another moving log with Boba to reach this minikit on top of another intact log.
    6. (S) At the first junction of the third area, push the walls to exit to the right and find this minikit.
    7. (F) After building a switch to extend a bridge in the third area, you'll see this minikit in the air. Jump towards it with a double jump character to get it.
    8. (S) In the back left corner of the bunker of the fourth area, you will find three red barrels. Destroy them and build an elevator. Ride the elevator and jump to the roof of the bunker to find this minikit to the north. This minikit can be very difficult to obtain due to the awkward camera.
    9. (F) On the left side of the fourth area, you'll find a hole in a log behind some brown walls. Jump over the brown walls with Boba Fett and enter the hole to reach a labyrinthine part divided into five areas. If you choose a wrong hole, you will return to the hole in the fourth area and have to restart from the first area. In the first area, defeat all the enemies to reveal an arrow of Silver Studs pointing to the hole in the upper right corner. Go to that hole to reach the second area. In that area, go through a maze of many walls until you reach the hole in the upper left corner, which will take you to the third area. In the third area, destroy all the plants and use a Jedi character on one of them to make an Ewok run from the hole in the upper left corner to the hole in the lower left corner. Follow it going to the hole in the lower left corner to reach the fourth area. In the fourth area, you will find four Rebel Commandos near the holes. Go to the hole in the upper left corner to reach the fifth area, as the Rebel Commando near it has brown pants, while the other three have gray pants. When you reach the fifth area, you will find a Black Knight, who will face you in a boss fight. He will throw bombs at you that will kill you instantly, so dodge them. Shoot him with a character with blaster until you defeat him to obtain this minikit. Regardless of which hole you go to in this area, you will return to the hole in the fourth area.
    10. (F) Go back to the maze part of the previous minikit, repeat the same steps, but instead of going to the hole in the bottom left corner of the third area, go to the hole in the top left corner, where an Ewok runs out. Doing this will return you to the first area, but from a place you couldn't reach before. There, use a character with blaster to set six poles on fire and reveal this minikit. You can get out of there by using a Jedi character to create two floating platforms and then use them to reach the log where you rescue the first Ewok. Caution! If you are on version 1.0, it may be impossible to complete the level when trying to obtain this minikit due to some indestructible ATSTs blocking the fourth area. However, the minikits you obtained will still be saved, so you can repeat the level and complete it to obtain Jango Fett.


After completing the level, you unlock Endor Han Solo (although you can't select him from the character grid), Wicket and Endor Luke. Jango Fett will be unlocked after obtaining all minikits in this level. In Mos Eisley Cantina you can buy an Ewok, Leia Endor and a Scout Trooper. You will also be able to continue to Heart of the Death Star.


GameLEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (DS)
Start pointEwok Village
CharactersEndor Han Solo
Endor Luke
Unlocks Ewok
Leia Endor
Scout Trooper
Jango Fett
Enemies to defeat Scout Trooper
Death Star Trooper
Shuttle Pilot*
Bosses to defeat Black Knight (Secret Boss)



  • In version 1.1, a grapple point was added to the trunk portion of the first area to make the platform near the second Ewok easier to reach.
  • In version 1.1, in the third area, the player has to board the ATST by going to the left walkway instead of the south walkway.
  • In version 1.1, the camera changes position when the player boards the ATST in the third area.
  • In version 1.0, the opening scene can be played in Free Play and the player must advance to reach the first area. In version 1.1, the player starts in the second area instead of the first one if they choose Free Play.
Normal Levels (Handheld)
Federation ShipNaboo ForestNaboo CityTatooine (LSW1-GBA)Return to Naboo ForestReturn to TatooineGeonosian Droid FactoryGeonosian Factory RescueSeparatist ShipKashyyykUtapauKashyyyk Clone AttackUtapau Clone AttackMustafarSecret Plans (LSW2-PSP)Through the Jundland WastesMos Eisley Spaceport (LSW2-PSP)Rescue the Princess (LSW2-PSP)Death Star Escape (LSW2-PSP)Rebel Attack (LSW2-PSP)Hoth Battle (LSW2-PSP)Escape from Echo Base (LSW2-PSP)Falcon Flight (LSW2-PSP)Dagobah (LSW2-PSP)Cloud City Trap (LSW2-PSP)Betrayal over Bespin (LSW2-PSP)Jabba's Palace (LSW2-PSP)The Great Pit of CarkoonSpeeder Showdown (LSW2-PSP)The Battle of Endor (LSW2-PSP)Jedi Destiny (LSW2-PSP)Into the Death Star (LSW2-PSP)Blockade RunnerTatooine (LSW2-GBA)Death Star RescueDeath Star Escape (LSW2-GBA)Trench RunHoth Battle (LSW2-GBA)Hoth EscapeAsteroid ChaseCloud City Trap (LSW2-GBA)Cloud City RescueJabba's Palace (LSW2-GBA)Sarlacc PitSpeeder ChaseEndor BattleDeath Star 2 BattleEmperor FightThe Blockade RunnerMos Eisley Spaceport (LSW2-DS)Rescue the Princess (LSW2-DS)Death Star Escape (LSW2-DS)The Trench RunHoth Battle (LSW2-DS)Escape from Echo Base (LSW2-DS)The Asteroid FieldBetrayal over Bespin (LSW2-DS)Cloud City Trap (LSW2-DS)Jabba's Palace (LSW2-DS)The Great Sarlacc PitThe Speeder ChaseBattle on EndorHeart of the Death StarDestinyNegotiationsEscape from NabooMos Espa PodraceRetake Theed PalaceDarth MaulDiscovery on KaminoDroid FactoryJedi BattleGunship CavalryCount DookuBattle over CoruscantGeneral GrievousDefense of KashyyykRuin of the JediDarth VaderSecret Plans (LSWCS-DS)The Jundland WastesMos Eisley Spaceport (LSWCS-DS)Death Star Escape (LSWCS-DS)Rebel Attack (LSWCS-DS)Hoth Battle (LSWCS-DS)Escape from Echo Base (LSWCS-DS)Falcon Flight (LSWCS-DS)Dagobah (LSWCS-DS)Cloud City Trap (LSWCS-DS)Jabba's Palace (LSWCS-DS)Speeder Showdown (LSWCS-DS)The Battle of Endor (LSWCS-DS)Jedi Destiny (LSWCS-DS)Into the Death Star (LSWCS-DS)The Lost TempleGunfight at The RavenCairo Street FightThe Well of SoulsRescue the ArkThe Opening of the ArkShanghai ShowdownRapidsPankot PalaceTemple of DoomEscape the MineshaftBattle on the BridgeRetrieving the CrossThe Tomb of Sir RichardRescue Professor JonesThe ZeppelinCanyon of the Crescent MoonTemple of the GrailGotham Streets (Hero/Villain) • Ice Cream Factory (Hero/Villain) • Batmobile Chase (Hero/Villain) • Botanical Gardens (Hero/Villain) • Gotham Bullion Fortress (Hero/Villain) • Gotham Docks (Hero/Villain) • The Rooftops (Hero/Villain) • Batboat Chase (Hero/Villain) • The Sewers (Hero/Villain) • Arctic World (Hero/Villain) • The Chemical Factory (Hero/Villain) • The Fairground (Hero/Villain) • Batwing Chase (Hero/Villain) • The Art Gallery (Hero/Villain) • Gotham Cathedral (Hero/Villain) • Hangar 51DoomtownEscape the RussiansNazca AsylumOrellana's TombSoviet CampJungle ChaseAnt EscapeRiver ChaseUgha TempleUgha RuinsEscape from AkatorPrivet DriveGringotts VaultsShopping in Diagon AlleyPlatform 9 3/4Gryffindor HouseTransfigurationFlying LessonThe Trophy RoomThe Mountain TrollIncendioPotions ClassThe Quidditch MatchThe Restricted SectionThe Lumos CharmThe Forbidden ForestThe Forbidden CorridorThe BurrowBorgin and BurkesArresto MomentoCollecting IngredientsThe Dueling ClubThe Polyjuice PotionThe Slytherin Common RoomThe Revelio CharmTom Riddle's DiaryThe Descendo CharmThe Spider HollowThe Chamber of SecretsThe Hogwarts ExpressCare of Magical CreaturesBanishing BoggartsHogsmeade VillageThe Patronus CharmPursuing Peter PettigrewThe Shrieking ShackThe Time-TurnerFreeing SiriusThe Quidditch World CupThe Summoning CharmUnlocking O.W.L. RevisionThe First TaskThe Prefects' BathroomThe Second TaskThe Third TaskAmbushDestroy MalevolenceRookiesDuel of the DroidsLair of GrievousGungan GeneralJedi CrashHidden EnemyBlue Shadow VirusStorm Over RylothLiberty on RylothWeapons FactoryLegacy of TerrorPort RoyalTortugaBattle at SeaIsla de MuertaIsla de PelegostosDavy Jones' KeyIsla CrucesThe KrakenSingaporeEscape the DutchmanShipwreck CoveThe MaelstromLondonQueen Anne's RevengeWhite Cap BayThe Fountain of YouthYear 5 - Chapter 1Year 5 - Chapter 2Year 5 - Chapter 3Year 5 - Chapter 4Year 6 - Chapter 1Year 6 - Chapter 2Year 6 - Chapter 3Year 6 - Chapter 4Year 7 Part 1 - Chapter 1Year 7 Part 1 - Chapter 2Year 7 Part 2 - Chapter 1Year 7 Part 2 - Chapter 2Year 7 Part 2 - Chapter 3Year 7 Part 2 - Chapter 4Gotham TheatreJoker GetawayArkham EstateArkham AsylumAce Chemicals (LBM2-H)Juggernaut ChaseThe Batcave (LBM2-H)Assault the VTOLAttack on LexCorpRobot Sky BattleGotham MetroBrawl at City HallWayne IndustriesThe Final BattleThe Battle of the Last AllianceThe Black Rider on the RoadThe Camp at WeathertopMoria: Balin's TombMoria: Bridge of Khazad-dûmThe Skirmish at Amon HenThe Taming of GollumTracking the HobbitsThe Battle of Helm's DeepShelob's LairThe Paths of the DeadThe Battle of PelennorJourney's EndDonut DisasterWhere's Mr. Waggles?Brick by BrickGone in 60 MinutesWalls Have EarsRunning ManNew ToyTaking Out the TrashFerry to RideGoing UndercoverCircle of TrustTaking It BackCrack It OpenIs This Thing On?Sneaking Out LoudlyGet to the ChopperRC RevengeJust Let Me Get My Wrench OutGrand Theft ReversalCut to the ChaseWe Can Rebuild It, We Have The TechnologyShort CircuitAn Explosive PersonalityA-Tractor-ing Attention!Scrambled or Poached?Field of ScreamsSatellite SetupPiggy Not in the MiddleCabin FeverAll in a Hayes WorkKicked in the KruchmanFalling with StyleThe Last Suit You'll Ever WearThe Scenic RouteShuttle PowerGoing On UpFill 'er UpPhone HomeClearing HouseFinding DocYou Spin Me Right RoundIt's Not Yours, It's Mine!Dammed If You Do...It's a Nutty IdeaPoliced to Meet You, Bessie!Chasing WaterfallsWire in the WoodsTrouble in the TempleThe Temple of BoomThe Nut CrackerMy Chief ConcernsProtect and SaveEngine Trouble!Half-Baked PlanShowing Some HospitalityAn Official RescueAll's Not Well at BlackwellAlways Bank on ChaseThe Fury of RexSpiral MountainEagle TownEagle LibrarySanctuary ForestGorilla VillageRhino CanyonRhino CavesCroc SwampCroc FortWolf CampSand Central Station (Park AvenueSand Central InteriorSand Central Rooftop) • Baxter Building (The LabBaxter RooftopTimes Square) • Oscorp (Oscorp OfficesOscorp BasementSymbiote Labs) • The Raft (Prison EntrancePrison InteriorPrison Rooftop) • Stark Tower (Stark GarageStark LabsPenthouse Exterior) • Hydra Base (Underground FoundationsHydra BasePortal Room) • Asgard (The BifrostThe CityThrone Room) • X-Mansion (Mansion FoyerMansion ExteriorHangar) • Castle Doom (Castle RooftopsRooftop EntranceThrone Room) • Doctor Doom's Tanker (The BridgeLoading BaySubmarine Pen) • New York Power Station (Power Plant InteriorStatue InteriorLiberty Head) • Island M (The BeachThe JungleCentral Core) • Asteroid M: Space (Landing PadAsteroid InteriorMagneto's Lair) • Asteroid M: Showdown (Control RoomThe BridgeCosmic Weapon) • Heroes vs. Galactus (Helicarrier AssaultThe ChaseFinal Battle) • Prologue (TM-H) (The ProphecyBuilding SiteThe Piece) • Police Station (Melting ChamberAlley EscapeBike Chase) • Flatbush Gulch (The PortalHillside SlideDesert Path) • Flatbush Town (Town OutskirtsTown EntranceSaloon Showdown) • Flatbush Rooftops (Rooftop AmbushRooftop EscapeRooftop Brawl) • Flatbush Chase (Flatbush CanyonTrain EscapeTrain Engine) • Cloud Cuckoo Land (Middle ZealandCloud EntranceDance Street) • Cloud Under Attack (Cloud EscapeCuckoo CastleDropship Chase) • Submarine (Submarine AttackSubmarine InteriorMetalBeard's Ship) • Business HQ (Octan AirlockOctan HangarThe Relic Room) • The Kragle (Assembly RoomKragle ShutdownThink Tank) • TV Station (Office CorridorsServer RoomTV Broadcast) • Spaceship Escape (TV Prop RoomMiddle Zealand CanyonsBricksburg Skies) • Attack on Bricksburg (Return to BricksburgBricksburg StreetsBricksburg Assault) • The Cube Ship (Battle for BricksburgCube Ship ApproachBusiness Time) • The Mines Of EreborThe Coming Of SmaugThe Sickness Of ThrórBag EndThe Battle Of MoriaAzog The DefilerThe Mountain TrollsTroll BattleThe DawnTroll HoardGundabad WargsThe Hidden ValleyThunder BattleGoblin TownRiddles In The DarkThe Goblin KingTo The TreesThe Return Of AzogThe Legend Of BeornBeorn's HomesteadMirkwoodBilbo And The RingThe Spawn Of Dol GuldurBilbo's Escape PlanThe Elven GateMirkwood RiverThe Armory (LH-H)KingsfoilBolgThe High Fells TombDol GuldurCommander of LegionsThe EnemyDurin's DaySmaug's LairThorin's Revenge • Going Up?A Clean EscapeNo Way OutNinjaCopter!Mad MachinesOverBorgStreet SweepRobot RumbleKaiFighter!Escape the OverlordStop, Thief!SurroundedSneaking InCore BreachCake WalkPower PlayEnter the MechDragonMeet Min-droidMin-droid's ReturnPowered UpNinja CrushFace OffThe Golden CyclePost-ApocalypseReturn to Sender!RegeneratedGrabBIT!System OverrideSamurai XTwo BrothersOverlord RisingGotham Sewers (Gotham SewersSewers InterchangeKiller Croc) • Batcave Battle (The Bat ObservatoryThe Batcave (LBM3-H)The Bat Monster) • To Space! (The Batrocket HangarWatchtower BattleWatchtower Access) • Watchtower Battle (The Control RoomThe Armory (LBM3-H)The Containment Facility) • Brainiac Attack (Superman in SpaceThe Weapons LabThe Docking Bay) • Brainiac's Ship (Brainiac's ShipBrainiac BattleSuper Skydive) • LEGO Europe (LEGO ParisLEGO LondonLEGO Pisa) • Brainiac in Gotham (Ace Chemicals (LBM3-H)The Fun HouseWayne Tower) • Zamaron (The ZamaronsZamaron EncounterPredator) • Odym (The ReachOdym JungleSaint Walker) • Nok (Nok ApproachThe Underground CavernsThe Indigo Power Battery) • Ysmault (Rivers of JamYsmaultThe Butcher) • Okaara (The Breach of OkaaraLarfleeze's VaultLarfleeze Attack) • Qward (The Mines of QwardSinestro's SurpriseSinestro Showdown) • Fortress of Solitude (The Fortress of SolitudeAtrocitus AttackBrainiac's Final Stand) • Prologue (LN-SOR) (Chen's IslandChen's DungeonSpinjago Chase) • The Sea of Sand (Kryptarium PrisonCrashcourse CanyonEd & Edna's Scrap N Junk) • The Tea of Insight (The Toxic BogsThe Skeleton MinesThe Caves of Despair) • The Obsidian Sword (The Fire TempleThe Volcano CoreVolcanic Slide) • The Frozen Wastes (The Glacier BarrensThe Ice TempleFrost-bite Chamber) • Revenge of the Nindroids (Ninjago CityThe Storm FarmsThe Lightning Temple) • The Vaults of Ice And Fire (The Vault of FireThe Vault of IceIce Slide) • The Primal Fulcrum (Fangpyre TombHiroshi's LabyrinthThe Fulcrum Chamber) • Return to Chen's Island (The Endless OceanIsland AssaultChen's Palace) • Between Worlds (Portal DiveDimensional SpaceFinal Showdown) • Raptor TransferThe Dig SiteRaptor EnclosureTriceratops RecoveryT. rex EnclosureT. rex ChaseThe Raptor PackKitchen EscapeMain HallFinding SarahCamp SabotageMobile LabAttack On The CampThe Long GrassCompoundRadio TowerSan Diego DocksSan Diego StreetsSpinosaurus EscapeSpinosaurus VS T. rexThe Crash SiteLab InteriorCorridor ChaseEric's HideoutThe CoastPteranodon NestsSpinosaurus ShowdownRaptor Research AreaRaptor Pig HuntIndominus PaddockGyrosphere EscapeIndominus EscapeMain StreetThe AlphaRaptor PursuitBoardwalk ShowdownPrologue (LMA-H)HYDRA FortressLoki's EscapeHYDRA TrainShakespeare in the ParkAttack on the HelicarrierRaising The HelicarrierThe Battle of New YorkLeviathan RideSaving New YorkFreighter Black MarketHulkbuster vs. HulkSeoul ChaseAttack on SokoviaThe Fall of SokoviaThe Battle of Endor (LSW7-H) (Endor Shield GeneratorDeath Star InteriorDeath Star Escape (LSW7-H)) • Assault on Jakku (Village RetreatFirst Order AssaultJakku Graveyard) • Escape from the Finalizer (Finalizer Hangar 1Finalizer Hangar 2Finalizer Exterior) • Niima Outpost (Niima OutpostNiima BombardmentJakku Graveyard Flight) • The Eravana (Freighter BattleFreighter ChaseFreighter Shutdown) • Maz's Castle (Castle ApproachCastle HallCastle Basement) • Attack on Takodana (Castle CorridorsCastle EscapeTakodana Skies) • Starkiller Sabotage (Starkiller Crash SiteShield Room ApproachPhasma) • Destroy the Starkiller (Assault of StarkillerRey's EscapeOscillator Interior) • The Finale (Oscillator Bombing RunStarkiller ForestStarkiller Showdown) • Luke's Island