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LEGO Games Wiki
Basil The Bat Lord
Basil Profile
First Appearance LEGO Racers
Game Appearances LEGO Racers
LEGO Universe
Gender Male
Species Human
Alignment Evil
Occupation King

Basil the Bat Lord (also known as Count Batlord in the UK) is the third boss of LEGO Racers and an unlockable character in LEGO Universe


According to the Fright Knights theme he originated from, Basil was once a regular knight until he was cursed by a witch to become the Bat Lord, possibly turning him into a vampire. Not much else is known about him.


LEGO Racers[]

Basil is the boss of the third circuit and is known as Basil The Batlord. Beating him will unlock his car and himself as a playable character.


He only has a cameo appearance during the game's cutscenes

LEGO Universe[]

Basil's armor and shield are exclusive unlockables to the Crux Prime team, with his helmet unlockable in an achievement.

