LEGO Games Wiki

Attack of the Clones
Attack of the Clones
Symbol II
Based on Star Wars: Episode II — Attack of the Clones
Game LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game
Universe Star Wars
Starting Level Discovery on Kamino
Ending Level Count Dooku
Number of levels 5
How to unlock Complete Negotiations

Star Wars: Episode II — Attack of the Clones is the second episode in LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game.


Obi-Wan Kenobi follows a clue left by the toxic dart to the world of Kamino. In light of current events, he discovers a clone army being prepared for the Republic. He also encounters Jango Fett and his son Boba Fett, but the two escape before he can question them.

Obi-Wan follows them to the planet of Geonosis. He is set upon, and calls Anakin Skywalker for backup. Anakin and Padmé free Obi-Wan, but are captured by Jango Fett and a team of battle droids.

Following a mock trial and execution, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Padmé are rescued by Mace Windu and many of the Order's Jedi, backed up by the clone army. Count Dooku, the Separatist Leader, escapes.

They destroy a separatist droid control ship with the Republic Gunship.

Obi-Wan and Anakin pursue Count Dooku to a hangar. The two Jedi engage him, but Anakin's arm is lost. Yoda arrives and bests the Count, but Dooku stages a distraction and escapes in his ship. Dooku meets with Darth Sidious.


  1. Discovery on Kamino
  2. Droid Factory
  3. Jedi Battle
  4. Gunship Cavalry
  5. Count Dooku


Differences from the film[]

  • All scenes on Coruscant are omitted, although there was originally going to be a level based on them named "Bounty Hunter Pursuit", which was included later in LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga.
  • All scenes on Tatooine and Shmi's death are omitted
  • All scenes on Naboo are omitted
  • The Dex's Diner scene is omitted.
  • In the game, R4-P17 has a full droid body and follows Obi-Wan on Kamino, in the film, she stays behind in the starfighter. This change was made to make the game more co-op friendly.
  • After arriving on Kamino, Obi-Wan assists a Kaminoan in repairing a structure outside of Tipoca City. This never happened in the film.
  • The Kamino security droids attack Obi-Wan.
  • Boba Fett actually flies the Slave I, rather than just firing the guns while it was still on the ground
  • Obi-Wan's and Jango's fight above Geonosis never occurs, although it was originally going to be the level "Asteroid Dogfight." The level was never included in any later release.
  • The Separatist meeting is omitted.
  • In the game, Anakin's first lightsaber is not damaged in the droid factory, but he ends up with a green-bladed lightsaber with no explanation.
  • Our heroes meet C-3PO on Geonosis rather than on Tatooine.
  • C-3PO didn't get his head and body mixed up with a B1 battle droid.
  • In the game, Anakin and others successfully rescue Obi-Wan, only to be captured immediately afterwards.
  • The Reek, Acklay, and Nexu in the Petranaki arena are all replaced with battle droids, B2 super battle droids, droidekas, and Geonosians. Padmé Amidala still gets clawed by the Nexu, but it is not shown on screen.
  • The execution posts are on different sides of the arena while in the movie, they are right next to each other.
  • Poggle the Lesser is a normal Geonosian with Dooku and Jango Fett.
  • Jango Fett doesn't lose his pistol.
  • After the gunships arrive, Obi-Wan is seen holding a green lightsaber and Anakin is holding a blue lightsaber.
  • Padmé does not fall out of the gunship but inexplicably appears later in the hangar. Also, Anakin is flying the ship instead of a clone.
  • In the second part of the Count Dooku fight, the two playable characters are Yoda and Obi-Wan. In the film, Yoda fights alone. This was done to make the game more co-op friendly.
  • In the game Obi-Wan gets hurt but continues fighting, whereas in the film his injuries incapacitated him.
  • Due to the game's lack of dialogue the speech about the shroud of the dark side, and the start of the Clone Wars, as well as Anakin and Padmé's marriage, are omitted. The end simply shows Dooku and Darth Sidious plotting in The Works.
The Phantom Menace (LSWCS, LSWSS) • Attack of the Clones (LSWCS, LSWSS) • Revenge of the Sith (LSWCS, LSWSS) • A New Hope (LSWCS, LSWSS) • The Empire Strikes Back (LSWCS, LSWSS) • Return of the Jedi (LSWCS, LSWSS) • Raiders of the Lost Ark (2) • Temple of Doom (2) • The Last Crusade (2) • The Riddler's Revenge (Hero/Villain) • Power Crazed Penguin (Hero/Villain) • The Joker's Return (Hero/Villain) • Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (Parts 1, 2, and 3) • The Sorcerer's StoneThe Chamber of SecretsThe Prisoner of AzkabanThe Goblet of FireCount DookuGeneral GrievousAsajj VentressThe Curse of the Black PearlDead Man's ChestAt World's EndOn Stranger TidesOrder of the PhoenixHalf-Blood PrinceDeathly Hallows (Parts 1 and 2) • DC Super HeroesThe Fellowship of the RingThe Two TowersThe Return of the KingCity UndercoverMarvel Super HeroesThe LEGO MovieAn Unexpected JourneyThe Desolation of SmaugBeyond GothamJurassic ParkThe Lost WorldJurassic Park IIIJurassic WorldDimensionsGhostbusters (2016)Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find ThemThe LEGO Batman MovieThe AvengersAge of UltronThe Force Awakens (LSWSS) • The LEGO Ninjago MovieMarvel Super Heroes 2The IncrediblesIncredibles 2DC Super-VillainsThe LEGO Movie 2The Last JediThe Rise of Skywalker