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Anchor Man (Civilian)
Anchorman Brickipedia
Main Page Anchor Man
Game LEGO City Undercover

Anchor Man (Civilian) is a character that appeared in LEGO City Undercover.

Role in Story Mode[]

Chapters/Level Appearances[]

Chapters/Levels in which Anchor Man (Civilian) has appeared as a boss, enemy, or playable.

How to unlock[]

Near the Channel K News Station in Cherry Tree Hills, there is a walkway off of the road leading to the station. Climb up the pathway to the top and activate the gliding ability. Glide through the hoops the game provides you, and you'll land on the news station. Use the teleporter to reach the top of the station, and then activate all 4 buttons on the top in 9 seconds to power up the fan. Use the fan to blow yourself up to the character token.


The following is organized as a chart of this character's abilities in every game they appear.

