LEGO Games Wiki
Anakin Skywalker (Ghost)
Anakin Skywalker (Ghost) LSWCS
Main Page Anakin Skywalker
Game LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
Weapon Blue Lightsaber
Cost 1,000,000
Row 6
Column 13

Anakin Skywalker (Ghost) is a character that is playable in LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga.


Episode VI's final cutscene is the only time in which Ghost Anakin appears, although it is through a cutscene.

After the Rebel victory at the Battle of Endor, Luke Skywalker goes to give Darth Vader a funeral pyre. As the flames engulf Vader's suit, Ghost Anakin sits up out of Vader's body and looks around for a moment. He then looks at his spectral form and realizes that he has become one with the Force, before waving at his son. As Luke salutes him, they both look to the sky as Ghost Anakin warms his hands with the fire.

At the Ewok Celebration, Luke takes a moment and sees Anakin, along with the ghosts of Yoda and Ben Kenobi, enjoying the festivities. They all take notice Luke and wave at him. As Leia arrives and takes Luke back to the party, Ghost Yoda almost falls over the ledge and Ben's ghost catches him, causing both him and Anakin to share a laugh.

Level Appearances[]

Levels in which Anakin Skywalker (Ghost) has appeared as a boss, enemy, or playable.

How to unlock[]

Complete all levels in Story Mode.


LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga Character Abilities
Anakin Skywalker (Ghost)
Anakin Skywalker (Ghost)
Jedi Sith Blaster Protocol Astromech Hover High-Jump Shortie Imperial Bounty Hunter Ghost Other
Yes No No No No No No No No No Yes No


Ghost Anakin has the same animations as Anakin Skywalker (Jedi), and has all of the same abilities.


Much like the other two ghosts in the game, Ghost Anakin is much more benevolent than his solid counterpart, and will not participate in Cantina fights. He also cannot be attacked as lightsabers and blasters will just go right through him. If Ghost Anakin falls into a pit and perishes, he will retain any studs collected. However, Ghost Anakin can be attacked if he commandeers a vehicle. In all of the levels, enemies will not notice or target him. Ghost Anakin's mind trick is also considerably more powerful than the standard Jedi version, being able to affect multiple enemies if they are grouped together.

Physical Appearance[]

Ghost Anakin looks similar to Anakin Skywalker (Jedi), although he shares the glowing, translucent blue with the other two Force ghosts; he also shares the same torso with Ben Kenobi (Ghost).

Source Material[]

Ghost Anakin is based on Anakin Skywalker's ghost that first appeared in Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983), in which he was originally portrayed by Sebastian Shaw. However, the 2004 DVD version of the film (and proceeding versions) replaced Shaw with the likeness of Hayden Christensen, the actor who portrayed Anakin in Episodes II & III.



To be added

External links[]

Website Article