LEGO Games Wiki
This is the bounty hunter level in LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars. For the character, see Anakin Skywalker.
Anakin Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker Bounty
Level Designation BW-4
Target Anakin Skywalker*
Game LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
Level Destroy Malevolence

Anakin Skywalker is the fourth bounty hunter mission from LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars.

Opening Crawl[]

Mission 4: Anakin Skywalker
The vile gangster Ziro the Hutt plans
to kidnap leading figures across the
galaxy, threatening to hand them
over to Separatist forces unless a
ransom is paid.
Even the noble Jedi have become
targets of the Hutt's evil ambition.
A band of vicious Bounty Hunters has
come together to execute Ziro's
scheme. Their next target: Anakin
Skywalker, currently on Dead Moon
of Antar....


As Jango Fett, Boba Fett (if you've already collected all ten minikits in Grievous Intrigue), or Cad Bane, continue straight until you reach a train hangar. Fly to the platform in the north. Then, use the astromech panel there like HELIOS-3D or IG-86. Then head back south and continue left. Above will be another platform with another astromech panel. Fly there, press the button and activate the astromech panel. Now go as far east as possible and then south. That way you will reach Anakin Skywalker. Walk towards him to complete the mission.


Bounty Hunters Enemies Target
Pirate Ruffian*
Boba Fett (Classic)*
Greedo (Classic)*
Jango Fett*
Hondo Ohnaka*
Turk Falso*
Shahan Alama*
Aurra Sing*
Cad Bane*
Battle Droid*
Super Battle Droid*
Destroyer Droid*
Anakin Skywalker


Bounty Hunter Missions
Qui-Gon JinnQueen AmidalaJar Jar BinksMace WinduKit FistoLuminaraKi-Adi MundiRebel TrooperShaak TiCommander CodyR2-D2 (LSWCS) • Obi-Wan Kenobi (LSWCS) • Chewbacca (LSWCS) • Princess Leia (LSWCS) • Admiral Ackbar (LSWCS) • Yoda (LSWCS) • C-3PO (LSWCS) • Lando Calrissian (LSWCS) • Luke Skywalker (LSWCS) • Han Solo (LSWCS) • R2-D2YodaPadmé AmidalaAnakin SkywalkerCaptain RexPlo KoonAayla SecuraObi-Wan KenobiAhsoka TanoKit FistoBail OrganaWaxerCommander CodyCommander PondsLuminara UnduliEeth Koth