LEGO Games Wiki
Anakin Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker LSW3
Main Page Anakin Skywalker
Game LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars
Weapon Blue Lightsaber
First Playable Level Jedi Crash/Duel of the Droids/The Hidden Enemy
Level Unlocked Geonosian Arena
Cost Free
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Column 2

Anakin Skywalker is a character that is playable in LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars.


He was led to the planet Geonosis to rescue his master but was captured himself, along with Padmé, and all 3 were taken to the execution arena. Suddenly 212 Jedi arrived at the scene, followed by 10,000 clones.

In The Clone Wars he married Padmé Amidala in a secret wedding ceremony on Naboo. He then went on many dangerous missions, such as Yavin 4 and Jabiim. He took on an apprentice named Ahsoka Tano in 21 BBY, who he affectionately called "Snips". She, in return, used to call him "Skyguy". He would duel adversaries such as Durge, General Grievous, Asajj Ventress, Count Dooku, and Dooku's Dark Acolytes. Anakin also managed to return Rotta to his father, Jabba the Hutt. One of his missions involved him destroying the Malevlolence, a superweapon under the command of General Grievous. Skywalker also took part in the Battle of Mon Calamari.

Level Appearances[]

Levels in which Anakin Skywalker has appeared as a boss, enemy, or playable.

How to unlock[]

Complete Geonosian Arena.


LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars Character Abilities
Anakin Skywalker (Clone Wars) icon
Anakin Skywalker
Jedi Sith Blaster Protocol Astromech Hover High-Jump Shortie
Yes No No No No No No No
Walkie-Talkie Clone Trooper Separatist Bounty Hunter Explosive Rapid Fire Other
No No No No No No No


To be added

Physical Appearance[]

With two Anakin Skywalker characters. Anakin Skywalker (Geonosian Arena) was present in a mission based on the Battle of Geonosis in Episode II, and the appearace of this character was based upon his Episode II minifigure. The hair and head pieces, however, were based on his physical The Clone Wars variants. However, the eyes on this character were eyes which are usually seen on characters which do not appear in the The Clone Wars sub-theme--black dots with white inner dots. This variant wielded a green-bladed ligthsaber. In addition to the standard Jedi abilities in the previous games (use of the Force, double jumping, attacking and deflecting with a lightsaber), Anakin had the ability to throw his lightsaber at objects and enemies, was able to perform certain actions such as cutting a hole in walls and destroying certain enemies whenever a blue Jedi Order logo appears, and could use his lightsaber to jump up certain walls. This variant, while playable, was not able to be accessed through the character menu.

Anakin's main character in the game (which is named simply "Anakin Skywalker") is based upon his first Clone Wars physical variant, except once again the eyes were not in the typical The Clone Wars style. This Anakin had a blue-bladed lightsaber but possessed the same abilities as the Geonosian Arena variant.



  • His "Geonosis Arena" version has the same torso and legs as his first physical Padawan variant, but his hair is from his Clone Wars variant. His eyes are also black with white pupils throughout the game rather than the usual blue eyes.
  • In a Nintendo DS stylus pack, Anakin (Clone Wars) was released with a clone trooper head.