LEGO Games Wiki
Level Progression
Pod Race (Original) Anakin's Flight Gunship Cavalry (Original)
Anakin's Flight
Anakin's Flight
Number B-II
Game LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
Universe Star Wars
Episode LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
Playable Vehicles Naboo Starfighter*
Naboo Starfighter (Green)

Anakin's Flight is the second bonus level from LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga.

Opening Crawl[]

As the battle for Naboo rages on the
planet's surface, a deseperate
assault has been launched on the
Trade Federation battleships above.
Anakin Skywalker finds himself at
the controls of an N-1 Starfighter,
heading for the Droid Control Ship....


Anakin Skywalker destroys the Control Ship with the Naboo Starfighter. The Gungans celebrate victory.


Collect proton torpedoes to destroy four purple dots and open a door that leads to the next area of ​​the level.

In the next area, simply continue and destroy a red and a purple dot to open a door and continue, then do the same again to go to the final area of ​​the level.

In the final area of ​​the level, destroy two red dots to disable a barrier and destroy three purple dots to reveal glowing dots to destroy. Destroy them to finish the level.


At the end of the level you can unlock Naboo Starfighter.


B-II. Anakin's Flight
HOW TO UNLOCK: 30 Gold Bricks in Cantina Bonuses.
Playable Characters Enemies
Naboo Starfighter
Naboo Starfighter (Green)
Vulture Droid*
HOW TO COMPLETE: Reach end of level.



  • This level was originally going to be included in LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game along with Bounty Hunter Pursuit, but was scrapped.
  • Despite there being no collectibles for the level, there are some collectible things like imperial gates, possibly explaining that if the level were in the story, there would be collectibles.

External links[]

Website Article
Bonus Levels
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