LEGO Games Wiki
LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
This is the level in LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga. For the episode in LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, see A New Hope. For the episode in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, see A New Hope/LSWSS.
Level Progression
Gunship Cavalry (Original) A New Hope LEGO City
A New Hope
A New Hope Level
Number B-IV
Game LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
Universe Star Wars
Episode LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
Playable Characters Darth Vader*
Related Levels Secret Plans

A New Hope is the fourth bonus level of LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga.

Opening Crawl[]

Episode IV
It is a period of civil war. Rebel
spaceships, striking from a hidden
base, have won their first victory
against the evil Galactic Empire.
Princess Leia Organa now has the
blueprints for the Empire's new
weapon, the Death Star. But her ship
is intercepted and boarded by Darth
Vader and his stormtroopers....


It tells how Darth Vader invaded the ship and how C-3PO found R2-D2 recording a message.


You start in a room as Darth Vader and a Stormtrooper. Head through the door and Rebel Troopers will attack. Vader can force choke them or just slice them with the lightsaber. The Stormtrooper could just blast them. At the end of the hall, there is a door in the middle with C-3PO's face. To the right, there is a room full of blocks that Vader can arrange to spell "LEGO". To the left is a room with C-3PO in a capsule surrounded by buttons. It's easier to go counterclockwise to free him because of the uneven time the buttons stay on. Once C-3PO is on the Empire's side, go back to the protocol door and use 3PO to access it. You will be greeted with more Rebels attacking. At the end of the hallway, you can go left to a room full of fans that would lift you to collect blue studs, or you can go right to another protocol door that reveals Princess Leia with R2-D2. Walk toward them to finish the level.


After completing the level, you unlock Darth Vader (unless you have completed Jedi Destiny) and C-3PO if he has not been unlocked yet. If you have not completed Secret Plans yet, then Princess Leia and Rebel Trooper do not become available for purchase, unlike the first game because you have to play through the level mentioned to unlock Leia and to make the Rebel Trooper purchasable.


B-IV. A New Hope
HOW TO UNLOCK: 20 Gold Bricks in Cantina Bonuses.
Playable Characters Enemies
Darth Vader
Rebel Trooper*
HOW TO COMPLETE: Reach end of level.



  • Although Stormtrooper is playable in this level, the player cannot unlock him until purchasing him from the Mos Eisley Cantina.
  • The breakable walls yield studs, unlike the first game, making it possible to get more studs in this version.
  • Darth Vader cannot force push the Rebel Troopers and he instead force chokes them.
  • Unlike the first game, there is no "To be continued…" message and no credits play upon completing the level as the game has the original trilogy in it.
  • The player can play as a Rebel Engineer with Extra Toggle, unlike the first game.
Bonus Levels
A New Hope (LSWCS) • LEGO City (LSWCS) • Anakin's FlightNew TownPod Race (Original)Gunship Cavalry (Original)Theed PalaceTatooineGeonosisCoruscantMustafarKashyyykMos Eisley (LSWCS) • Death Star (LSWCS) • Bespin (LSWCS) • Hoth (LSWCS) • Endor (LSWCS, Minikit - LSWCS) • Young IndyAncient CityWarehouseWayne ManorArkham AsylumHarry's DestinyThe RideMillion Stud Challenge (LHP2)LEGO Gotham CityMiddle-earthThe Brick Apple?House Party ProtocolTabloid Tidy UpNuff SaidA Shock WithdrawalFeeling FiskyPut up your DukesStunt Show SurpriseReptilian RuckusStranger DangerThe Thrill of the ChessBro-tunheimSame Bat-time! Same Bat-channel!Tyrannosaurus Rex PursuitGallimimus EscapeTyrannosaurus Rex EscapeVelociraptor EscapeIndominus Rex PursuitIndominus Rex EscapeLEGO Isla NublarDejarik BattlePoe To The RescueLor San Tekka's ReturnRathtar HuntingThe Crimson CorsairTrouble Over TaulOttegan AssaultStarkiller DestructionDestroy Ninjago CityPanic! At the PicnicSimulation SituationDude, Where's My Dragon?Defying ConventionsToe-to-TotemSpook-Tacular Parade SagaHank-ger ManagementOscorp EscapadeDance Off, BroPoole PartyOmnidroid RampageGranny Knows BestMan to MantisThese Boots are Made for StompaArma-Ghetto SuperstarYou Kanto-uch This