LEGO Games Wiki
A New Hope
A New Hope LSW2-GBA
Symbol IV-GBA
Based on Star Wars: Episode IV — A New Hope
Game LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (GBA)
Universe Star Wars
Starting Level Blockade Runner
Ending Level Trench Run
Number of levels 5
How to unlock Starter

Star Wars: Episode IV — A New Hope is the first episode in the Game Boy Advance version of LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy.


It is a period of Galactic Civil War. Stormtroopers board the Tantive IV and fire on the Rebel Troopers. The Sith Lord Darth Vader then arrives, as R2-D2 along with his companion C-3PO escape. A Rebel Trooper encounters Princess Leia, but when Leia senses danger, she tries to escape. Leia then meets R2-D2, who gives him the Death Star Plans, but not before recording a message. R2-D2 is then captured by some Stormtroopers, but is rescued by Rebel Trooper and C-3PO. In the Operations Forum, Darth Vader kills a Rebel Trooper with Force Choke. The droids then escape in an escape pod and land on Tatooine.

Later, a farmer named Luke Skywalker finds R2 and 3PO lost on Tatooine. He is scared and captured by Tusken Raiders, but Obi-Wan Kenobi arrives to rescue him. The quartet then departs for Obi-Wan's House, where they see Princess Leia's message. The quartet arrives at Mos Eisley, where they encounter two Stormtroopers. Luke and Obi-Wan tell them that R2 and 3PO are not the droids they are looking for, so the Stormtroopers leave. Luke and Obi-Wan enter the Mos Eisley Cantina, where they find Han Solo and co-pilot Chewbacca. Chewbacca then leaves with Luke and Obi-Wan, while Han kills Greedo. The group then boards the Millennium Falcon and departs for Alderaan.

However, before the Falcon could reach Alderaan, the Death Star destroys the planet. On the Death Star, Luke and Han steal two Stormtroopers' armor and use them. Luke, Han and Chewie find Leia in the cell block. Luke, Han, Chewie, and Leia head to the trash compactor, where the walls close. R2-D2 and C-3PO are found by Stormtroopers, but manage to rescue the quartet from the trash compactor.

Han, Luke, Chewie and Leia venture across the Death Star to escape. When they reach the Falcon, Vader kills Obi-Wan. The Falcon then escapes.

Luke Skywalker later becomes an X-wing pilot. Luke fires a Proton Torpedo at the Death Star's reactor, destroying it.


  1. Blockade Runner
  2. Tatooine
  3. Death Star Rescue
  4. Death Star Escape
  5. Trench Run


Differences from the film[]

  • The scene where the Star Destroyer pursues the Tantive IV is omitted.
  • Darth Vader arrives just as the Stormtroopers break down the door, but he doesn't even fight the Rebel Troopers.
  • The Rebel Troopers at the beginning of the film do not die; instead, they flee after defeating the Stormtroopers.
  • The scene where Leia is captured is omitted.
  • Luke finds R2-D2 and C-3PO scattered on Tatooine instead of buying them from Jawas outside a Sandcrawler. R2-D2 and C-3PO are also not captured by Jawas.
  • Obi-Wan doesn't give Luke Anakin's old lightsaber.
  • The scene where Luke finds his house destroyed and his family dead is omitted.
  • Sandtroopers are absent from the game. Instead, they are replaced by basic Stormtroopers.
  • Obi-Wan does not use Jedi Mind Trick on the Stormtroopers who encounter the droids. Instead, he along with Luke tell them that they are not the droids they are looking for.
  • There are Gamorrean Guards in the Mos Eisley Cantina. In the films, they don't appear until Episode VI.
  • Ponda Baba is absent from the game.
  • The scene where Han Solo conserves with Jabba the Hutt is omitted.
  • Grand Moff Tarkin is absent from the game.
  • The scenes where the Falcon reaches the remains of Alderaan and pursue a TIE Fighter are omitted.
  • As in the home console version, Luke and Han have to wear Stormtrooper helmets found in hat dispensers instead of always wearing them.
  • The scene where the group discovers that Leia is imprisoned on the Death Star is omitted.
  • The scene where Obi-Wan deactivates the tractor beam is omitted.
  • The scene where Luke, Han, Chewie and Leia go down a slide into the trash compactor is omitted.
  • Han never shoots at the walls of the trash compactor.
  • The Dianoga is absent from the game.
  • Luke never reacts when Vader kills Obi-Wan.
  • All Yavin 4 scenes are omitted.
  • Darth Vader never uses his TIE Advanced to destroy Luke's X-wing, but the TIE Advanced can be purchased after collecting all 10 Minikits in the Asteroid Chase level.
  • Han never uses the Millennium Falcon during the Battle of Yavin.
  • The Royal Award Ceremony scene is omitted.
Episodes (Handheld)
The Phantom Menace (LSWCS-DS) • Attack of the Clones (LSWCS-DS) • Revenge of the Sith (LSWCS-DS) • A New Hope (LSW2-GBA, LSW2-DS, LSWCS-DS) • The Empire Strikes Back (LSW2-GBA, LSW2-DS, LSWCS-DS) • Return of the Jedi (LSW2-GBA, LSW2-DS, LSWCS-DS) • Raiders of the Lost ArkThe Temple of DoomThe Last CrusadeThe Bullion Dollar Riddle (Hero/Villain) • Power-Crazed Penguin (Hero/Villain) • The Joker's Last Laugh (Hero/Villain) • Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (Acts 1, 2, and 3) • The Sorcerer's StoneThe Chamber of SecretsThe Prisoner of AzkabanThe Goblet of FireThe Clone WarsThe Curse of the Black PearlDead Man's ChestAt World's EndOn Stranger TidesThe Order of the PhoenixThe Half-Blood PrinceThe Deathly Hallows (Parts 1 and 2) • DC Super HeroesThe Fellowship of the RingThe Two TowersThe Return of the KingThe Chase BeginsLaval's JourneyUniverse in PerilThe LEGO MovieAn Unexpected JourneyThe Desolation of SmaugNindroidsBeyond GothamShadow of RoninJurassic ParkThe Lost World: Jurassic ParkJurassic Park IIIJurassic WorldThe AvengersAge of UltronThe Force Awakens